Barely Bearable

Event Date

Aug 18, 2018


FNG-1 is Hooper
20 IC Mtn Climbers
20 IC Windmills
20 IC Tony Hawks
Boo Boo Bear Crawl:
Similar to bear crawl, but with either leg held off the ground all the time so the back leg has to basically hop forward.  Boo Boo Bear Crawl up the parking lot, 10 Merkins and Boo Boo Crawl Bear down the parking lot.
Bear Crawl Ring of Fire:
Begin by bear crawling around in circle (cones in parking lot) until Q says stop. Upon stopping, first PAX completes 10 Merkins while other PAX plank, then next PAX in line completes 10 Merkins while other pax plank. Keep going around until all PAX have completed the 20 Merkins total.
Bearmuda Triangle:
3 groups of markers in the shape of a triangle.  PAX performs one burpee at first marker and bear crawls to 2nd marker, 2 burpees and bear crawl to 3rd marker, 3 burpees and bear crawl back to 1st marker.  Complete twice around.
Bearway to Heaven:
A Bear Crawl of seven increasing lengths with decreasing burpees at the end of each length (up the parking lot with cone markers).
Indian Run:
From AO to Pool and back, last PAX drops for 3 Merkins before running to the front.
Pain Stations:
25 step ups in the counter, Australian pull ups, and Block curls
Flutter Kicks
WWI Sit Ups
Proverbs 16:24 Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.
I shared plans for a team meeting at work to include recognition.  Acknowledging someone's contributions can encourage them.  When someone is kind, just saying thank you shows appreciation.
I drew from the F3 Exercise list to find these fun ones.  This was much fun.  
Thanks all,