Bars, blocks, rocks, and running in the rain

Event Date

Sep 26, 2024


YHC had 2 plans for today. One was if the rain became a thunderstorm. The other was the original. The clown car arrived and Frogger was getting his daily steps in before we began. The Force arrived by foot, with Snake Eyes following soon after. 5:30 and we were off. The disclaimer was provided and we ran to get our blocks. We circled up for the Warmup:

Slow WM X 10 IC

Dwight Shrutes X 10 IC


Hillbilly X 10 IC

The Thang

10 Pull-ups OYO

10 Block Curls IC

Run to the rock pile through each lot & grab a rock to be proud of and continue our curls x 9 IC. Run to the next rock pile and grab another big rock & continue our curls x 8 IC. YHC had a counting error and threw off the pattern. The Pax were disappointed and voiced their frustration to YHC. I quickly remedied the issue and hope and organization was restored. 
We completed this pattern as we finished our curls IC at each station. Back at the bars for round 2 with 10 pull-ups OYO then 10 BRO IC. Run, lift, repeat until we completed the circuit. The blocks and rocks were returned and we dropped into a mobility moment with Runners Pose on each leg. Recover, recover. 


Great work today and appreciate the Pax being strong and not bothered by a little rain. 
Prayers up for ailing and those missing parents (IYKYK)

Until next time I SYITG