Basin Training – Intervals – Shirts & Skins

Event Date

Oct 09, 2018

4 gathered for some interval training to prep for Basin Run.  1 (Trump) joined not for Basin Run but to prep for NY Marathon (show off).

The Thang:

15 minute warm up run around Mustang parking lot (random patterns – but 15 min is 15 min)

6x800m (90 second rest intervals) – target 10k pace less 30-45 seconds (for those that have a calculator)

Cool down


My first opportunity to meet Trump (F3's version) – good stuff.  Bertha decided his nipples needed saving, so shirt came off before we started.  Trump followed.  YHC wasn't convinced it was necessary, but after first 800m, decided the mugginess was high enough, and the light was dark enough, that shirtless was the way to go.  Sonar and Ziploc maintained their modesty. However, YHC confidence was lifted when Sonar commented how great I looked glistening in the moonlight… or something like that… my wife says i look better with my shirt off in the dark…

According to the all-knowing AppleWatch, we were running ~7min pace.  Neither Bertha nor I believe that, but the watch doesn't lie.  Trump was yawning.  We lost Sonar on the first lap, but found him again in the dark on the last lap.  YHC didn't manage time well and we hit 45 minutes after 5th round of 800m.  Ziploc and YHC had to bail for work.  Bertha (working from home) and Trump (self-employed) finished out.  Sonar may still be running as he was just really happy there were no hills.

YHC was honored to run with others as solo running sucks.  Look forward to seeing everyone next week.