Batter Up!!!

15 strong men (above Pax plus Tin Man, FNG Cory, Riptide) endured a Chim-Chim inspired rendition of the 12 days of Christmas.  Only this one, in true Curd fashion, took a baseball spin.  So we did the 9 innings of the World Series.  Unfortunately we were only able to complete 8 innings, but there was plenty of great work done.

Standard #1 – 2.2 mile run from the Green around Beatty Road and back. Curd and Turncoat.

Standard #2 – 2 mile run from the Green to Antiquity Bridge and back. Squiggy, Sauce, Bagboy, Moonlight, Easy (See Moleskin below for explanation)


SSH, IST, Mountain Climber, Merkins, stretching

Indian run (aka Cleveland tribute) from the Green to DUMC as our mosey.

Da Thing (all IC except the Burpees):

Inning 1 – 3 burpees OYO

Inning 2 – 10 merkins, 3 burpees OYO

Inning 3 – 10 mary katherines, 10 merkins, 3 burpees OYO

"Cubby" Bear Crawl across 4 parking stalls – crawl bear back

Inning 4 – 10 shoulder press, 10 mary katherines, 10 merkins, 3 burpees OYO

Inning 5 – 10 skull crushers, 10 shoulder press, 10 mary katherines, 10 merkins, 3 burpees OYO

"Cubby" Bear Crawl across 4 parking stalls – crawl bear back

Inning 6 – 10 diamond merkins, 10 skull crushers, 10 shoulder press, 10 mary katherines, 10 merkins, 3 burpees OYO

Inning 7 – 5 Front Shoulder Raise, 10 diamond merkins, 10 skull crushers, 10 shoulder press, 10 mary katherines, 10 merkins, 3 burpees OYO – also had a 7th inning stretch (run to the dumpster and back)

Inning 8 – 20 Squats, 5 Front Shoulder Raise, 10 CDD (call to the bullpen to relieve us from diamond merkins), 10 skull crushers, 10 shoulder press, 10 mary katherines, 15 curls (call to the bullpen again to relieve us from merkins), 3 burpees OYO

"Cubby" Bear Crawl from the first speed bump up the driveway to the sidewalk

Indian run back to the Green.

20 LBC, 20 Freddy Mercury

Close with CoT


  • First and foremost, welcome to FNG Cory, and thanks to Mary K for the EH.  Cory seems like he'll fit right in, and didn't bat an eye during the workout.  Maybe it wasn't hard enough for him???? (TWSS)
  • Second, I learned that nobody in #TPR pays attention to Twitter.  The #pb announced the #standard at 0500 but we still had 5 runners do their own #standard at 0515. 
  • Third, I am amazed at the #RESPECT we have in #TPR.  8 of our 15 PAX were respect level today…damn good showing!
  • Fourth, I learned that Turncoat has a new meaning of "2nd F pace".  We turned our #standard in sub 7:30 pace…and still managed more conversation than when Sauce runs is normal training pace.  
  • Fifth, I wouldn't be a baseball guy without throwing out some stats.  24 burpees, 140 merkins, 120 mary katherines, 100 shoulder press, 80 skull crushers, 20 diamond merkins, 10 front shoulder raise, 40 squats, 20 CDD, 30 curls plus bear crawls, some running, and the ab work.  Not a bad way to start the day!!!
  • Last, I am reminded just how truly blessed we are to have the strength of all of these men around us.  It is truly a blessing that we should give thanks for!!
