Battering Ram Fun

Event Date

Jun 09, 2020


5 cut through the humidity to try out our new battering ram and have some fun.  FNG 1 Crabby Patty and FNG 2 Shaker.  


10 x Toy Soldiers

15 x JLos

15 x Plank Jacks

15 x Mountian Climbers

10 x Windmills


The Thang

Mosey to back playground, max pullups and grab the battering ram. 

Jog up to front entrance.

Two pax take coupon up to top of LBH and do a team exercise:

Curls/Squats/Shoulder Press/Rows 10x

Other two pax do 2 exercises rotating when they need a change of pace:

Mericans & Squats/Monkey Humpers & Pickle Pounders/Burpees & Plank/Carolina Dry Dock & Flutter kicks

Odd man out runs to top of big hill. 

4 rounds.

Return ram to back playground.  Max pull ups.  Mosey back to AO.

Suicide drill with Mericans to finish up. 


15 x LBC

15 x Box cutters

10 x Heels to Heaven

30 sec American Hammer


Matthew 6:25-34 “Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”

With the down time for me and more family time I had a moment where I realized I was being more “present in the moment” while playing with the 5 year old.  Made me realize how I normally have lots of mental distractions, goal setting, to do list management going on upstairs.  I saw how much more enjoyable and satisfying it is to just occupy your mind, attention and time by focusing on where you are and not where you are trying to get to. 


Dandelion told stories of disassembling his deck with a chainsaw this weekend.  Impressive!

Crabby Patty tries to run the big hill 2x in a row.  Beast. 

Shaker says things are picking back up at Margaritas.

Retread palms the coupon and curls it one handed.  69#.

Nice job by Clark on the weld job with the battering ram! 

Fair Winds and Following Seas
