Battle Bros at Titan take on the IPC

Event Date

Aug 31, 2020


At one point on Sunday, YHC's Preblast Tweet had like 7 replies and sub-Tweets but no likes.

Uh-oh.  This could be a solo sad clown effort. 

But no, out of the gloom, Tantrum emerged like Tantrum does.  He's my battle bro, the Pax who often texts me with simple one liners like "Odyssey tomorrow?" or "Titan + Standard?"  He keeps me accountable, and it was good to see him.

Tantrum would eventually "like" the #PB which I assumed meant he read it and came out to do the #IPC anyway.  Nope, it was a surprise to him!  So with the knowledge that there'd be no running during the main event, we did warm up with a nice ~2.5 mile standard at 0500.  Then at 0530 the fun began:

The Week 1 IPC Thing:

  • 3 Burpees EMOM
  • 50 Hand Release Release Mericans
  • 100 Leg Raises
  • 150 Jungle Boi Squats
  • 200 Big Boy Sit-ups
  • 250 Stationary Lunge Steps

Ok, we called BS on this thing!  Either we've gotten soft or this is an EXTREMELY difficult workout.  Perhaps a combination of both.

Watching the F3 Greenwood video, saying that some completed it anywhere from 25-32 minutes; YHC set the Tabata app for 36 minutes total.  Lol, we needed way more time than that.

In fact YHC is embarrassed to submit a time.  Technically we "DNF'd" it because we abandoned the Burpees early and didn't finish either of the last two exercices to the full counts.  Sorry, we worked hard though.


  1. It all looked so much better on the video.
  2. T-Claps to Cherry Bomb for pushing everyone in our region to compete in this craziness.
  3. Came close to Merlot-ing at one point.  Probably would have if I didn't back off the pace.
  4. BS.
  5. Tantrum, thanks for saving me from a solo IPC workout.  You're my battle bro, bro.
  6. I hope The Force, 9 Lives, and others had an easier workout at…checks Twitter…The Murph lolz.  That will teach you!  There were no easy options in Lake Norman today bros!  And we're all better for it.
  7. Mr. Gnarly Goat will be leading a Ruck on 9-11.  No excuses.  Get out there and be happy we can still do it.
  8. Jaws, thanks for the opportunity to lead.  You were missed.
