Battle Buddy Beatdown

The sky was cloudy and the air was heavy but the mood of the PAX was upbeat and ready for a challenge.  YHC swapped the Q with Tantrum so with little time to prepare, i decided that the theme for this beatdown would be get to know your partner.  So, 17 PAX (incl 1 FNG) decided to get up and get better this AM

AND yes it is BRR season so, the standard was met by four PAX (9Lives, Turnpike, BEP and YHC).  Here is how the toughest workout on Tuesday went down…


Lap around the parking lot…not into the buttkickers, and all that so just straight mosey

Circle up, for some warm-up, all IC except where noted

SSH x 25

IST x 15

Good Morning Burpee (not IC)

Cotton Pickers x 10

Seal Claps x 25


Mosey to Middle School Baseball outfield (centerfield) and Partner up

Partner sit-up Ladder – Partners do paddycake sit-ups and then sprint to left and right field foul poles for equal number of merkins then back to centerfield for sit-ups…

Ladder up x 5, 10, 15, 25

Repeato switching merkins for CDD's and ladder down 25, 20, 15, 10, 5

Front Lean and Rest between repeato

Mosey to rock pile – pick a non-traveling rock – all IC except where noted

Rock Squats x 10

Rock Curls x 10

Rock Shoulder Press x 10

Rock Skull Crushers x 10

Then put it all together – The 8-count burner x 10

Mosey back to parking lot and circle up for Mary


Elbow Plank x 1 minute

Touch Them Heels x 20 IC


Welcome FNG "The Iron Man" (aka Cal Ripken Jr.) – glad you came back and hope to see you again soon

Nice to see some numbers out there for my Q…I really do care about your fitness and it is always my pleasure to lead a great group of men

Mumblechatter was down a little this AM, but that is ok.  I take that as a sign that the PAX were having fun and were concentrating on their form which will make you better

Good standard this morning, I was thoroughly drenched – I mean warmed up – for the Q – hate them hills

Brew Ruck saturday, sign-up now!

Thanks 66 for the opportunity to lean the PAX…until next time
