Battle Ropes at Fission

11 men work hard at Fission including Buckeye. Dont forget to sign up. Warm A Rama: Mosey, Butt Kicker, High Knee, Carioca, Forward Toy Soldier, Windmill, Cotton Picker, SSH, IST, Run as fast as you can for 50 yrds.The Thang: Battle Rope Exercises (20 secs each exercise) 2 pax grab thick Black Rope, other 2 pax grab the long Blue RopeFront Plank Single Arm WavesSide Plank Waves Russian Twist WavesAMRAPPull Up BarMerkinsSquatsLBCPull Rope Squat PositionStanding Single Arm WavesSquat WavesJumping Jack WavesShuffle WavesAMRAPCarolina Dry Dock LBC WPeter ParkerParker PeterJump SquatShoulder Touch MerkinGlute Bridge Partner Pull Rope Assist – 30 yards, flip flopMary:Eiffel Tower Pretzel Crunch WW II Sit UpMoleskine:Great work gentlemen. Thanks for coming out!Thank you The Force and Moses for letting use Ropes.Nice work Buckeye. Keep coming back. AyeThank you Cousin Eddie for the keys at Fission.
