BB for TMO, & New MQ Needed for TheMightyOak – who’s next?

Event Date

Oct 05, 2016


  • Mosey to bus entrance
  • SSH X 30IC
  • CP's X 20IC
  • Plank 
  • Merkins X 10IC
Da Thang
  • Descending Curb Crawls 
    • Bear crawl to other curb, 10 merkins
    • Repeato back to other side decreasing merkins by one each time.  
    • That's 55 merkins, and another 20 during warmorama, and it's only 0538.  
  • Mosey to get a CB
    • Curls X 20IC
    • Shoulder Press X 15IC
    • CB Swing X 20 OYO
    • Recover
    • CB Swing X 15 OYO
    • Recover
    • CB Swing 10 OYO
    • Recover
    • CB Swing X 5OYO (Toxic caught onto the pattern here)
  • Peoples Chair with Air Press #feeltheburn
  • Sprints X 4 
    • These were short enough, that it was all about going all out.
  • Get Maggie's (TommyBoy's dog) leash and hook her up, we are going off the AO
  • Mosey to roundabout
  • Low flutters X 30IC
  • Planks
  • SLOW mountain climbers with feet nearly touching hands X 15IC
  • YHC called an audible where we were going next – was going to go up Travolta hill for some crawl bears on grass hill.  #fireants
  • Headed to service entry at St. Mark Church #worsethanfireants
  • YHC decided this was going to be where we Bearcrawled today – up the driveway #itslong
    • Stop half way up, recover
    • Finish up all the way to the top
    • Bear crawl back down entire driveway (no stopping). 
  • Mosey to island
    • Freddie Mercuries X 25IC
    • Airborne Mindbenders
  • Mosey back to CBs at school
  • CB Swings X 20 OYO
  • Times up – Recover Recover

  1. When TommyBoy asked if we were going off AO today since he had his dog, I considered changing workout right then and there, but then Caboose said, "don't make me regret this workout choice" (didn't want to go off AO).  YHC's answer – "yep, we are going off AO!"
  2. Ultraman's watch continues to perplex us all on if the beeps are good or a bad thing.  I can't keep up.
  3. Toxic was much less toxic today than usual. Perhaps that's because I have learn to stay ahead of him during runs and up wind.  Speaking of wind, the best breeze we have had in a long time this morning.  A pleasant 60 degrees!
  4. St. Mark's service entrance sucks for crawl bears for all you future Q'ers here at The Mighty Oak.  BTW – I will be handing off the MasterQ baton soon at The Mighty Oak.  It's almost been a year now!  Started it on Veteran's last year, Wednesday, November 11th when 88 Pax showed up to start this bad boy off!  What a day it was.  The roots at The Mighty Oak are still very strong, but it's time to pass along the responsibilities to another Pax member.  Who's going to step up?  Who knows, perhaps I will be called to start up another!
  5. Some new faces at F3 today, at least for me.  Great to see F3 continues to grow.  Sorry for those of you who are less familiar with my workouts, and have heard that I play music during my workouts.  This is certainly true, but when I loaded the speaker into my car this AM, she was DEAD!  Ugh.  Next time you will see how easy curb crawls are when you have Eminem, Metallica and others getting you through the pain. 

Enjoyed it today boys!  Until next time – Ditka