3 Men and Blackbeard came out to make sure I wasn't alone due to the quarter ruck.
- Quick lap around island
- SSH X 15
- Windmill X 10
- IST X 10
- Peter parker X 10
- Honestly have no clue if these are correct because of the mumble chatter and no counting. Mayhem made an attempt at one point.
- Mobility moment
The Main Thang:
- Pax team up
- Start at island by cars.
- Suicides to each island with 1 burpee at the start added each island. 1st PAX from a team to grab the cone at the end wins. Losing team does 20 burpees.
- Repeato but with the winner being the 1st team across.
- Mosey to blocks:
- As group: Curl X 5, Overhead press X 5, Blurken X 5, Sumo squat X 5, WWI sit-up X 5, then run around island. Increase to 7 and run around island, increase to 10 and run around island.
- As group: Squat press X 5, Skull Crusher X 5, baby thrower X 5, squat X 5, WWI X 5, then run around island. Increase to 7 and run around island then 10 and run around island.
- Put blocks back.
- Mobility moment
- Team up again. PAX one bear crawls whil PAX 2 runs around island and taps off. PAX flip flop until complete one lap around island. Did not quite finish.
- Mosey to cars for Mary.
- LBC with alternating leg lifts X 10
- Pretzel Stick X 10
- Wosalita X 10
- Pretzel Crunch X 10
- Tons of chatter and very little counting at the start.
- Blackbeard said he came out of mercy because he knew it would be a light crowd. Thank you. The work out would not have worked with 3 people.
- Blackbeard was in rare mumblechatter form.
- Lots of running. YHC is losing his rep for not running.
- Great to see Mayhem back out in the gloom. On the struggle bus for sure but good work.
- YHC has seen more of uncle rico in the last month then in the last 3 years. Great to see you.
- YHC was prairie dogging the whole workout.
- Thanks for the coffee blackbeard!
- Thanks to all for the opportunity to lead!