BBQ at LFC (Smoked Shoulders and Legs)

11 men and one canine companion (Baxter aka Deuce-a staple at LFC) showed up for The Sword this morning.  3 warmed up early at the standard.

0500 YHC, Q-Bert and Rooter went for a warm-up standard run through the adjacent neighborhood, twice through.

0524 more than half the pax started running away and I thought I messed up my Q day.  I, and a few others didn't follow. About another minute into said run and a couple more came back.  It was later established that the regulars like to do a warm-up jog around the lot.  WHEW!  I figured since I didn't tag Tuck (MQ) in my tweet, he gave my Q away.

0530 everyone launched together and I was still Qing. YAY!



YHC announced, "Follow Me!" and we traveled approximately 10 feet to circle up.  I like to keep the pax on their toes.

SSH x28ic (Q-Bert mentions something about a pattern, so I started throwing off my rep counts)

IST x15ic

Apollo Ono x15ic (we would have done more, but the coordination of the pax was getting a little out of hand)

Cotton Pickers x10ic

Toy Soldier x12ic



Plan was to run to the entrance road and start some sprints, but a car was pulling in and its presence redirected us to the back of the lot for some…well…sprints!  It made our sprints downhill (thanks for pointing that out, Force), so that was better than expected. Sprint to first median, 5 squats, mosey back. REPEATO, REPEATO. Sprint to second median, 10 squats, mosey back, REPEATO, REPEATO. Sprint to third median, 15 squats, REPEATO, REPEATO. Sprint to forth median, 20 squats, STAY!

Mosey to parking spaces. Each pax pick a line and stand at the grass line. Inchworm to the end of the line, plank walk sideways to the next line. Worminch back to grassline, plank walk to the next line.  We did that for about 5 parking spaces, rested a little, then REPEATO back the way you came.

Mosey to benches for Dips x15ic

Mosey to front courtyard for an adapted DORA. Partner 1 run to the top of the steps. Partner 2 People's Chair with air presses. Go until your partnership reaches 300 reps of air presses.

Bridge Over Troubled Sidewalk? Plank over the sidewalk using rails while pax bearcrawl under the pax. (idea borrowed from Arnie's Army)  There was lots of talk about keeping your bearcrawling butts down and mention of adding pickle pounders to pax planking overhead.  I'm not sure which positioned pax mentioned which. Use your imagination.

Indian Run back to main entrance.

Catch Me If You Can around the entire lot. Partner 1 does 3 burpees and sprints to partner 2 while partner 2 jogs slowly until partner 1 catches up.  Then, flip flop, rinse, repeat until everyone is back at the cars.



Roadie was nice enough to lead some Low Flutter while I got the recording device. x20ic? maybe?

J-Lo x15ic

Pickle Pounders x15ic (thanks for the idea, guys)




-Apparently, the standard went right by BEP's house and he "would have gotten up early if we would have woken the dog." I'm not buying it.

-Yes, Force, I did say, "If you don't have a partner find someone to team up with." and that is what anyone should do if they don't have a partner.  And, it was a redundant statement, I now realize.

-I don't know who ripped one while bearcrawling under all the other pax, but I'm simply impressed.  I know others were, too.

-Great group of guys, as always, at LFC this morning.  Admittedly, I haven't been to this AO in a while.  I'm gonna have to start making it a regular again.

-Thanks for allowing me to lead and actually following me (eventually) this morning.  It is an honor and a privilege.

