BDays, horseshoes, and compounding interest

Event Date

Dec 05, 2023


FKT felt special today. Maybe because it was smoky’s birthday. Maybe because when I looked around, we had some of the fittest Pax in the area show up. It just seemed like a special day.

The day began with standards. The Job standard, the Frodo standard, and now the cherrybomb, standard. squish, mellow, a.k.a.. auto ran with Frodo. They probably talked about cuddling with soft things as they warmed up.

As it became time to begin, I looked around. All I saw were studs. I mean check this starting lineup: DonHo, hoodie, SlingShot, cherrybomb, Frodo, auto, smoky.

I mean, come at me, bro!

Also, seeing Don Hồ at FKT for the first time in about 14 months was great to see. I’m not sure where he’s been, my guess is he fell out of love with Burpee’s. These things happen. Good thing I could help him rekindle this flame today.

So we ran to the Glenn’s which is about a mile. We then did a horseshoe at the Glenn’s. We did this four times. Each Horseshoe was about a half mile run. At the ends of the horseshoes we did four different exercises that exponentially doubled every time. I called it compounding interest. Don ho’s and Autos investments aren’t as good as mine so he told me this is not how compounding interest works. Agree to disagree?

First round :

4 Burpee’s, 5 Bonnie Blair’s each leg, 6 drydocks, 7 Merkins

Second round :

8 Burpee’s, 10 Bonnie Blair’s each leg, 12 drydocks, 14 Merkins

Third round:

16 Burpee’s, 20 Bonnie Blair’s each leg, 24 drydocks, 28 Merkins

Fourth round:

32 Burpee’s, 40 Bonnie Blair’s each leg, 48 drydocks, 56 Merkins

We then ran a mile Back to the AO.

On the way back, the funniest thing happened. A female runner was running ahead of us. Hoodie was hard, charging and ran past her. Upon approaching her, she appeared to get significantly frightened. In her freight, she turned and looked directly at hoodie and screamed as loud as she could. This then scared hoodie, who jumped in fright and squealed like a little girl. I fortunately got to watch the entire thing unfold.

We then made it back to the AO right about on time.

Once again, happy birthday to Smokey. He was the fastest all morning. I think he wanted to prove to himself that he still had it. He still has it. He made the hills his bitch this morning.

I think if we went one more round, it would’ve been epic. But we would’ve been about 20 minutes late.

Noticeably absent, senor swingstate and all other Pax trying to level up.

Being pushed by such studs this morning. Tough to not work hard and feel great with the talent that surrounded me this morning.

As always, LFG!

  1. Jobe