According to the testimony, this is how it shook out:
0703: Run around the Riverbend Village southern most outparcels and proceed to trespass into an unoccupied patio:
- SSH x 25
- TS x 15
- IST x 15
- Mericans x 10
The 4 suspects proceed down Smith Farm Rd and into Valley Walk Drive. On the Corning Corporation campus:
- Incline x 10, Dips x 10, L & R Step Ups x 10 on Corning eastern wall feature
- Burpee/Squat 11s on Corning stairs to back entrance
Escaped to apartment townhomes and hid in the 3500 apartment building alcove:
- Air chair with giggles and chatter
Evaded and proceeded down Corning Pl to front entrance architecture feature of the Corning building
- Dips x 10
0745: Continued on foot to south outparcel containing the Johnny Brusco establishment. Proceed to trespass into neighboring dry unoccupied patio for "Mary":
- LF x 20
- Leg Lift Crunch
- Leg press
- Bicycle
- New venue, new sites, new opportunities. the drizzly morning didn't stop the excitement of scoping out the new AO. No cops, no security guards, just a jaunt through the new Riverbend Village.
- 2.5+ miles according to the watch…
- 300 lobsters served on Wednesday. Didn't realize there are that many lobster fans in MIL.
- What do you do if you don't know where to park at Corning? Ask your mother, of course.
- With my youngest being 12 already, the latest in birthing rituals includes a "poof gun" during a "gender reveal" party. Wow! The DIY version of a poof gun somehow googles to the same instructions for a pipe bomb.
- Gram scales are now sold at Lowes. They are waiting for legalization, or just simply #OG.
- Join the petition drive for HT to build an upstairs lounge/bar addition.
- Great way to start the busy weekend. Always an honor to lead fine gentlemen!