Be Like Bruce

Event Date

Jun 24, 2023


Minor complications this morning at Bedrock with the front parking lot closed, YHC met Iceberg at the far back lot to begin our workout. For the first half of the 1 hr beatdown, Iceberg and YHC hit Wolfpack playground for a healthy dose of pull ups and air squats. Next in order was our faithful rock pile for a helping of rock curls, presses and rows. We then wandered down K2 hill and ended at the grassy slope for an 11 laddder with air squats at the top and merkins at the bottom. 

as we continued back to the car lot, we spotted our brother Jersey Boy who joined us for the second part of the workout, a soul crushing circuit of separators on the basketball court, followed by merkins, walking lunges and MARY. 

Jersey Boy shared during the workout that he had some doggie issues that needed to be tended to (think sh*t happens) as apparently his canine friend needed a bath urgently 

iceberg continues to be well engaged with the F3 brothers starting his 4th week and is crushing workouts. 

a well deserved shoutout to JB and in the spirit of the title of the backblast “Be Like Bruce”, Jersey Boy has been such a gift to many men,  from connecting FNG’s to workouts and keeping them accountable, to offering his time to support others who are struggling, consistently showing up for 3rd F community service events and always reminding us that F3 is more than just a workout group. 

JB – thank you for checking on YHC this morning and asking me the question that we sometimes are uncomfortable asking “are you ok, you don’t seem yourself” Grateful for you checking brother. Your question caused YHC to ponder a struggle that is common to a lot of men in that it’s often difficult to just “be in the moment” and not be preoccupied with the tasks that lie ahead- the honey do list, the pressure at work, and other life distractions that keep us from being present.

Grateful to spend time with JB and Iceberg this morning at Bedrock

Humbly in Christ 
