Be present in the moment…then move on with your life!

Event Date

Jun 03, 2019


Warmorama: SSH, carrot pullers, wind “meal,” shoulder touches, plank jacks, IST


Thang: bounced between our sad place (rocks) and happy place (stretching)

Mosey to rock pile, grab a rock! Curls, skull crushers, rock squats, shoulder press IC

Mosey to street lamp for mobility minute

Repeato, with reps going up by 2 IC each round for a pyramid (8, 10, 12, 10, 8). A mobility minute between each round. BM chose runners stretch, Dingo chose arm circles, GG chose pigeon, Heisman chose standing calf stretch


Mary: airborn mind bender and some low flutter


Discussion: we talked about the idea of waiting. The Bible has many examples where God uses a period of waiting for individuals to prepare for a difficult or important task. A period of waiting is not a bad thing…perhaps God is using it to prepare YOU for something important. It can be challenging, however, to discern when to wait and when to act (eg career opportunities, etc). Deliberate prayer and meditation can help, but it must become a habit. Lots of good analogies discussed as well: fishing, running, meditation…activities that make us focus on being still spiritually.

Thanks for a nice, cool morning today…I think we fulfilled our mission and hit all 3 Fs by 0615!