Beach Bodies Don’t talk to me!

Event Date

Apr 23, 2017

11 men and young men came to work on their beach bodies. Including Bolt(Sporks 2.0 and moneyball (YHC's 2.0).Now don't talk to me! Read! 
Warm up:
R over L and L over R Leg stretches 
Arm circles
20 side straddle hops IC
10 cotton pickers IC
10  Imperial storm troopers IC 
Chambawamba 1/2 Burpees with side straddle hops
Indian run to the front of the school
1 minute derkins AMRAP
1 minute curb crunches AMRAP
1 minute squats AMRAP
1 minute dips AMRAP 

Mosey to rock pile
Hold blocks over your head and wait for instructions
Super Sets 
10 curls with blocks IC
30 seconds Freddy Mercurys 
10 chest presses IC
30 seconds Freddy Mercurys
10 merkins IC
30 seconds Freddy Mercurys
10 curls with blocks IC
30 seconds in and outs
10 lateral presses IC
30 seconds In and outs
10 Carolina dry docks IC
30 seconds In and outs
10 curls with blocks IC
30 seconds LBCs
10 rows IC
30 seconds LBCs
10 Carolina dry docks IC
30 seconds LBCs

Sally skull crushers
30 second Low flutter
1 minute plank 
Wind shield wipers IC

Put the blocks up
4 trips mins of quadraphillia
Mosey to the down under bars
10 slow down under pull ups
10 angel wing pull ups
Mary go round
-Lots of chatter this morning. I have no clue what was being said but lots of chatter.
-Don't talk to Me!
-A lot of fun but the boy wore on me
Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. (NIV)