Bear activity in SVU woods

Event Date

Oct 31, 2020


8 men arrived at SVU for some Halloween fun and were shortly joined by Dandy and Ricky Bobby after some shenanigans.    


10 x Toy Soldiers

10 x Apollo Onos

10 x Mericans

10 x Dippy Birds (each leg)

10 x Windmills

The Thang

Mosey to front playground for pain stations.  Squats/Lunges/Dips on Bench/Willy Worms on swing 1/Incline Mericans/Burpees/Jump over swing 2

Counter was jog to end of sidewalk where nature trail starts, grab strap attached to battering ram (Betty) and drag 30 yards to orange cone and return.  (Pre-coordinated Dandelion who recruited Ricky Bobby to hide in the woods and scare pax, great use of bear growl and some other noises to confuse pax). 

Mosey to back playground and reveal Dandelion and Ricky Bobby in woods, much disbelief.

Max pullups and grab Betty as well as Michelle.  Threaded Michelle onto the long pole which made it pretty darn heavy.  4 pax on that and we moseyed to top of big hill.  Remaining pax do 10 Mericans and swap out those carrying the load. 

At top of hill in grassy knoll: 4 pax flip tire, jump thru and do 3 burpees (repeat), two pax do rows with long pole, 2 pax do curls with Betty.  Counter is bear crawls.

Round 2: 4 pax flip tire, jump thru and do 3 burpees (repeat), two pax do over head shoulder press with long pole, 2 pax do squats with Betty.  Counter is bear crawls.

Return to AO  same as before with remaining pax do 10 Mericans and swap out those carrying the load. 

Gear back to playground, max pull ups and mosey to parking lot.

Mary – not much time!

15 x Hello Dolly

15 x Freddy Mercury

15 x box cutters

15 x LBC

2 minutes of plank with alternate arm/legs out. 

Reflection: Genesis 1:27  God created man in his image

I struggle with optimizing too much in life, to the point it spills over into personal and family relationships nitpicking on imperfections.  Some reflection/reading/talking this week pointed me to remember that imperfections are part of the way God makes us and embracing that and valuing it is part of acknowledging His plan is the perfect plan and who am I to tell someone to fix something when I have lots of planks in my own eye.   


-Thanks to Dandelion and Ricky Bobby for being good sports and showing at 0645 in the darkness ready to scare the pax.  Feedback for next time is high pitched screeching and Ricky Bobby jumping out onto pax. 

-Anvil remarked he thought the bear growl was boats hitting each other- must still have South Holston Lake on the mind!

-Clark made a comment about the dumbest thing he ever did but I didn’t catch the story, must have been a good one.

-Cheetah came back from the woods as the first one doing the Betty drag and didn’t stop saying the horror for 10 minutes.  Hope you recover mentally bro! 

-Whenever Retread got on the long pole with Michelle the load went away immediately.  (Need to wordsmith this better). 

-Salty refused any lighting device and ran into the woods to look for the bear. 

-Mulligan seemed so happy doing burpees! 

-Strudel said he could smell Dandelion’s scent from the playground and knew it was a ruse. 

-2 cheers for Skipper for getting us a mulch refresh!  Quick service! 

Fair Winds and Following Seas
