Bear Crawl 10-15

Event Date

Jan 12, 2017


10 posted to cold, wet asphalt but otherwise perfect SVU weather.

Extra credit group is impressive running out of the fog into our AO with Skipper leading the way carrying our shovel flag.  Theuss comments it’s only a recovery run at 9:30 pace!

5:30 Go Time.  Warm up, then lots of fun.    

Warm up:

48 SSH

10 Merkins IC

10 CopperHead Squats -IC

Shoulder circles; big and small with self-love hugs

¾ speed small hill run – repeato x2

New Exercise: The 10-15

It’s like line dancing, but with Bear Crawls

10 paces of Bear Crawl forward – 5 right, 5 Crawl Bears back, 5 Left

Repeato til you reach other side of parking lot

Surprisingly, this takes more coordination that you would think.

Back to Playground for Rotation

2 minutes of planking while Reflection is delivered.

  1. 20 Squats

  2. 20 Merkins

  3. 20 Hip flexor lift w/ block

  4. 10 Pull-ups

  5. Low Plank

  6. 10 Pull-ups

Repeato for 5 rounds for 100 reps on each exercise (500 total)

Mary: PAX choice as Q bails early for work


The tugboat can save ships.  The lighthouse can save ships.  The way they choose to do this are drastically different from one another.

The TUG BOAT goes out to push and pull an individual boat, expending an enormous amount of energy and effort. It often runs to the ragged edge in order to get itself AND the single ship to shore/safety.

The LIGHTHOUSE on the other hand, simply stands fixed and shines its bright light. No pushing. No pulling. Every boat sees the light and CHOOSES whether or not to heed the warning or ignore it. The LIGHTHOUSE stands firm, shining it’s brilliant light, day and night, in calm seas and rough.

Stand firm and radiate your light to help as many people as you can by sharing things that are positive in your life in order to help others.

Mole Skin:

  • For PAX who complaint about 50 SSH, it was proven today that 48 is worse.  The next Q who calls out a 50 count, don’t complain, just thank him for getting you there.

  • There is a wide range of what the PAX considers “¾ speed”

  • While the air was warm, wet asphalt was not #ToughBearCrawls

  • Planking for the Reflection might be Q’s new thing.  #getusedtoit

  • Q used guise of a Meatgrinder to accomplish a Spartan 500

  • Upset PAX when Q calls for 5 rounds, then leaves after 2

  • T-claps to Mulligan / Dandelion for driving the bus after Q’s departure

  • Thanks for the opportunity.  Good to be back out for 2017.  

Respectfully Submitted,

Light Bulb