Bear Crawl-a-Palooza

FNG-1 = Hurley (not yet in pax list – get yourself signed up on!)

14 pax crawled out of the fart sack and then kept crawling at #TheSword.  Shoulders were not neglected today.

0500: 4 pax (YHC, Anchovy, DonHo, and Lego) and one lab met #TheStandard.  3 EZ miles out and back along the greenway.

0530: Go time.  Mosey to usual LFC warmup spot.  Circle up + disclaimer.


  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Toy Soldier x 10 IC
    • Ramrod joined us at this point.
  • Little Baby Arm Circles Foward / Backward x 10 IC + Large Arm Circles OYO
  • Squat x 10 IC
  • Merican x 10 IC


Bear Crawl Ring of Fire – commence bear crawl in circle.  Stop on YHC's command and get into plank.  Each pax performs 1 Merican, starting with YHC, followed by pax behind YHC in succession.  Resume bear crawl.  Stop again on YHC's command.  Each pax performs 2 Mericans….. and so on, until we have all done 3, then 4, and then 5 Mericans and plenty of bear crawls.

Mosey to first parking lot lane.

  • 50% run to other end
  • 20 CDDs OYO
  • 10 WWII Situps OYO

Mosey to next lane.

  • 75% run to other end
  • 20 CDDs OYO
  • 10 WWII Situps OYO

Mosey to next lane.

  • 100% run to other end
  • 20 CDDs OYO
  • 10 WWII Situps OYO

Mosey to fire pit area.

  • Dip Hold x 10 (lower on YHC's "down" and hold until YHC's "up")
  • Prisoner Squat Hold x 10 (on YHC's down/up)
  • Decline Merican Hold x 10 (on YHC's down/up)
  • Repeato all of the above (decrease to 5 reps)

Mosey back to parking lot lane.

  • 50% run to other end
  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • 15 LBC OYO

Mosey to next lane.

  • 75% run to other end
  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • 15 LBC OYO

Mosey to next lane.

  • 100% run to other end
  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • 15 LBC OYO

Mosey to blocks.  Grab block and partner up.

  • P1 Zamperini to 2nd Tree
  • P2 Block Curls AMRAP
  • Flip-Flop
  • Repeato x 2
  • P1 Bear Crawl to 2nd Tree
  • P2 Block Squat AMRAP
  • Flip-Flop
  • Repeato x 2

Replace blocks and return to cars.  Circle up for Mary:

  • Mason Twist x 20 IC
  • Homer-to-Marge with Low Flutter (x 25 IC) and Low Dolly (x 15 IC) — courtesy DonHo
  • Superman hold 30 sec

Recover, recover.


  • Great work by the pax today on a sticky morning.  Ended up being more shoulder work than YHC had realized when putting it together last night.  The pax still crushed it, although bear crawls were getting tough by the end.
  • Mr. Holland flashed some wheels on the first 100% sprint.  Glad to see you back to 100% (or pretty close to it).
  • Ramrod theorized that this was not that difficult a workout, and that it was just the humidity that made it tough.  This made YHC wonder whether one could develop a reputation for being a "tough Q" by only signing up to Q in June and July….
  • Baxter was wiped and took no cajoling to get in the back of BamBam's ride, but Fred was not interested in going home.  He had to be inserted and re-inserted several times by VB before he reluctantly stayed.
  • Pax tried mightily to trick YHC into giving the premature "Recover, Recover" but YHC was wise to their games today and did not fall for it.
  • Caboose > DonHo in the 10-count department.
  • Thanks to DonHo for allowing YHC to lead the pax this morning, and thanks to the pax who posted this morning for their support and hard work.  Thanks to Lego for taking us out.  Thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH in June 2016.
