Bear Crawlin’ & Balln’

So after a brief mosey around the parking lot, 10 warriors (and Luther AKA Chili Dog) commenced as follows:

SSH X 25

IST X 10

Toy Soldier X 10

Windmill X 10

Mt. Climbers X 10

THE THANG: Partner Up

5 "Stations" using the parking lanes as our zones

1st Station: One partner Bear Crawled 20 yards (and back) while the other did AMRAP Jump Rope.  Flap Jack

Took a quick lap move to next station

2nd Station: One partner Bear Crawled 20 yards (and back) while the other did AMRAP Skull Crushers.  Flap Jack

Took a quick lap move to next station

3rd Station: One partner Bear Crawled 20 yards (and back) while the other did AMRAP Curls.  Flap Jack

Took a quick lap move to next station

4th Station: One partner Bear Crawled 20 yards (and back) while the other did AMRAP Bent Over Rows.  Flap Jack

Took a quick lap move to next station

5th Station: One partner Bear Crawled 20 yards (and back) while the other did AMRAP KB Swings .  Flap Jack

Took a quick lap move to next station

Relay Race/Shuttle Run with Rock: Red October is a cheater…a big fat cheater!

Repeato of 5 Stations

Repeato of Relay Race/Shuttle Run with Rock: Red October is still a big fat cheater!  

Move to Mary: (There was some mention about Matt Lauer but I won't discuss….)


Low Flutters


W's (Persian Rug…GOOD…Persian Gulf…BAD)

Homer/Marge rendition


It was an honor gentleman…thanks for coming out and making my day!  Prayers go out to Spare's Uncle and the rest of his family.  See you next week!  
