Bear crawls down the stadium? BS

Event Date

Jun 26, 2017

Pax not listed above: Chicken Coop, LD, Heister, Sea Biscuit, Puddin

Lucky 13 for some great times on, and off, the Green in Davidson today.  Here's how this all went down.

Warmorama: SSH IC, Mountain Climbers IC, Spider Lunges

Chumbaburpees: to the most hated song now by 12 more people in Davidson, "Tubthumping" by Chumbawamba…you do burpees every time they say, "I get knocked down but I get up again" for a total of 27 burpees.  First time to Davidson today and they hate is now as much as Huntersville.  #theyhateitnowtoo

Run to Davidson Track

  • Merkins IC X 15
  • Dips IC X 10
  • CDD IC X 10
  • Run up/down stadium X 5
  • Merkins IC X 10
  • Dips IC X 10
  • CDD IC X 10
  • Run up stadium 
  • Bear crawl down stadium bleachers.  This was a first for me, and coming from some who loves bear crawls, I had to give this a whirl.  It sucked more than I thought, but once you make it to the bottom, it's a sense of accomplishment.  Someone asked, "did you try this before to see if you could do it?"  NOPE!  We did it!  
  • Partner up
    • ?Partner 1: run counterclockwise around track
    • Partner 2: lunge in opposite direction
    • 15 burpees each when you meet
    • Repeato
  • ?Burning Ring of Fire to the music of Johnny Cash
    • Air squats
    • Diamond jumps
    • Slow / hold Merkins
  • Lap around track
  • Low Flutters X 25 IC
  • Run back to green

Mary (3 minutes): Freddy Mercuries, Low / High Planks, Hold Low Planks

Recover, Recover


  • Great job by everyone today.  While there was no humidity today, we sweat enough to feel like there was humidity!  50% of the Pax are 50 or older – I hope I can still do this when I am 50!  Awesome job!
  • Bring money this week for donations to Cheech's family.  Sea Biscuit is collecting this week.  You can also find links to where you can donate online as well.  We continued to pray for Cheech and his family, and the teenage girl involved in the accident as well.  Very sad!

Ditka – out!