Bear Crawls For Days!


9 pax decided to find out what Cherry Bomb had in store at The Estate. But ONE pax was noticeably missing. After spending his Friday bashing on others, 98 Degrees pulled of a zero down and didn’t post at all. We moseyed to Barnette parking lot and got started.


  • SSH x 20 IC
  • TS x 10 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Carrot Puller x 10 IC


Partner up for Bear Crawl 1-2-3. Partner 1 performs exercise while partner 2 bear crawls across parking lot and back, then flapjack until the designated number of reps is achieved. Since there was an odd number, YHC tripled up with Snake Eyes and Baller.

  • Round 1: 100 Merkins
  • Round 2: 200 Squats
  • Round 3: 300 LBCs


Hit the pull-up bars

  • Merkins x 10 IC
  • pull-up x 10 OYO
  • Squat x 15 IC
  • Pull-up x 10 OYO
  • Mountain climber x 20 IC
  • Pull up x 10 OYO


Mosey to blocks

  • Low curl x 10 IC
  • Upright row  x 10 IC
  • High curl x 10 IC
  • Bent over row x 10 IC
  • Full curl x 10 IC


Partner up. P1 performs 5 burpees while P2 moseys around the track, then P1 sprints to catch P2 and flapjack until all the way back to blocks. YHC made a huge mistake here as it should've been a quadriphelia. Baller was pretty much around the track before YHC and Snake Eyes could catch up.

  • Chest press x 15 IC
  • Block Webb x 10 OYO


P1 – 10 diamond merkins, P2 – Quadraphilia. Flapjack until around track.

  • Full curl x 15 IC



  • Low dolly x 10 IC
  • Dying cockroach x 15 IC
  • Pretzel crunch x 10 IC (each leg)
  • Rosalita x 10 IC
  • LBC x 20 IC



  • Rooter pulled off the Triple Down! Tclaps!
  • YHC, Snake Eyes, Vandelay, and Tantrum completed the double down. Tclaps to us as well.
  • Mumblechatter hit an all-time high right at the start of the workout. The Bear Crawl 1-2-3 was poorly received.
  • Rooter got angry at a block and broke it into 3 pieces. And that’s why he’s the MQ!


Thanks to all who attended the beatdown. I appreciate all those who came out to one of my Qs this week. I started F3 just 6 months ago, but it has been an incredibly important part of my life already. I never knew how much I needed this until I had it. Here’s to many more months and hopefully years!


