Bear Down at Cauldron

Event Date

Feb 17, 2017

Three Spartans of the Gloom rolled out of the fartsack to see what the VQ, YHC, had to offer this morning. Their story went something like this…


  • Mosey around parking lot (slightly out of breath already…lack of oxygen to the brain, not a good thing when you're about to butcher cadence for the first time ever)
  • SSH x 25
  • IST x 20
  • Cotton Pickers x 20
  • Arm circles forward
  • Arm circles backwards



  • Bear Crawl Ladder – 10 t-bag squats to upright row, bear crawl to opposite curb (about 15 yards), 1 incline merkin on curb…bear crawl back, 9/2, etc.
  • Lunge Walk Ladder – 10 KB swings, lunge walk to opposite curb, 10 KB lawnmowers with each arm; lunge walk back, 9 KB swings/lawnmowers are supposed to stay at 10 per arm each time back. This is for people that are actually in shape, so Omaha, change that to 5 lawnmowers per arm each time back. After about 3 more times back, I realize I'm fat. Omaha again, recover, let's get to the KB circuit.
  • Circuit Station 1 – KB curls x 25; standing skull crushers x 25 (drop KB, sprint to next station and back – grab KB and zamperini right arm to next station).
  • Circuit Station 2 – Overhead press x 30; LBC w/KB x20 (zamperini left arm to next station).
  • Circuit Station 3 – Halo x 15 each direction; 7 burpees (drop KB, sprint to next station and back – grab KB and zamperini right arm to next station).
  • Circuit Station 4 – Calf raises x 30 each leg with KB; 20 Carolina Dry Docks (zamperini left arm to next station).


  • Pickel pounders x10 IC (Chewie)
  • WW2 situps x10-ish (Spare)
  • 1 minute plank (Blackbeard)
  • Recover, recover (this was the actual "exercise called by Big Bird when his number was called).


Glad to have my VQ out of the way. No promises, but I'll try to do better next time. Not sure about you guys but I was smoked after the bear crawl ladder (Stolen from Hasselhoff).

Not exactly knowing cadence and working out with Blackbeard are a bad combination. As I butchered cadence, again and again and again, Spare just looked at me out of the corner of his eye like a disappointed dad. Blackbeard became visibly upset and may have even threatened me.

I appreciate each of you guys. Blackbeard…ready…I promise to get better with cadence, you're like a predator ready to pounce on it's prey, but thanks for always pushing me. Big Bird originally EH'd me and brought me to F3 and I'm forever grateful for that. Big Bird hurt his back and has been laying low for a few months, appreciate you showing up for my VQ. Spare, thanks for letting me take the reins for a day. You're a great Master Q, hopefully I didn't set the Cauldron back too much today. If you'll have me, I'll be back and I'll be better.

Jolley Roger was supposed to be at the Cauldron for my VQ but, typical Kentucky fan, he came up with a lame excuse. It was a little difficult to hear, not sure if he said he hurt his back and a KB workout wouldn't work, or if he said he was going to stay home and watch broke back mountain again. Either way, next time you see Jolley, don't shake his hand but do make sure his back and wrist are feeling better.

Come hang out with Gnarley Goat at the Fire Ruck tonight, 2300 launch, Fire Station 8/Plaza Midwood. Peace.