Bear-hunt Burpee Beatdown

25 SSH
20 IST
15 CP
10 WM
1 Full Lap (Tour de AO)

Evolution 1:
Begin at NE Corner of parking lot
Broad Jump Burpee (BJB) to next corner
Bear Crawl to next corner
BJP to next corner
BC to next corner
1 full lap

Evolution 2:
16 bus parking lines (including the one you are on)
Partner up SDNM
P1: run to line 15 – 15 burpees run back
P2: Amrap merkins offset with Amrap WWII SUs
Flapjack-Repeato moving down a line and down 1 burpee per round

25 flutter presses
20 dying cock roaches
15 J-Los
1 crisp, clean, burpee

Prayers for marriages, the unremembered prayers, and Capone's Braveheart.
Olive's B-Day
Dallas' Roast

I now know more about bears than ever before. Hunting them, eating them, cooking them, their teeth (especially their back molars, and which one's never to shoot.  Thank you Bunyan.

Red Oktober – turn left here
Bandwagon – strong showing today, my friend
Don Ho – It was tough on those BJB.  We are tied for the race. 1 to 1. (RedOktober had us both on that last one.)
Funky Town – you are quiet like a ninja.  one day, when you speak, it will either be so profound we will wonder why you didn't talk, or you will be our next Pierogi.  I don't know which one is better…
Schneider – I love having you around.  You make my Schnidy Senses go off. 

Slugger – impressive… most impressive.

Today was a barn burner, gents.  Thank you Mr. Burns for the opportunity to lead.  America thanks you too.  

Men there are literally thousands of sad clowns sitting on a coach somewhere right now.  Don't leave them behind.  Bring one more person this week to a workout.  

P.S.  It's not about you.