Bear Sightings at Fallout

YHC stepped in to take the Q at one of my favorite AOs this fine morning. I rolled in with a couple minutes to spare to find the Pax circled up rearing and ready to get stronger. A few comments about 66 wearing his ruck and the odds of it being a run heavy beatdown and we were ready to get going. (YHC waited to break it to the Pax that this was a not at all a running Beatdown.) Here is what we did:Warmorama:Mosey around the Parking lot, High knees, butt kickers, etc.SSH x 20 ICCotton Picker x 20 ICIST x 20 ICMt. climbers x 20 ICThe thang: Round 1: Merkins, Squats, LBCs5 of each In Cadance, Bear Crawl around the playground 10 of each In Cadance, Bear Crawl around the playground15 of each In Cadance, Bear Crawl around the playgroundRound 2:Curls, Overhead Press, Skull Crushers (with Rocks)5 of each In Cadance, Bear Crawl around the playground 10 of each In Cadance, Bear Crawl around the playground15 of each In Cadance, Bear Crawl around the playgroundRound 3:Pull-ups, Burbees, WWII Sit-ups5 of each OYO, Bear Crawl around the playground 10 of each OYO, Bear Crawl around the playground15 of each OYO, Recover Recover8 total lap of Bear CrawlingMoleskin:1) Mad respect to all the Pax for hanging in there this am. That was a ton of bear crawling and everyone found a way to dig deep and push through it. Especially 66 doing the whole thing with a ruck, just wow!2) After a few of the bear crawl laps, names for the workout started to emerge. This is BS, Screw you Chapo, and Big Montana Sucks were some that got the biggest chuckle.3) It’s always humbling to come out to F3 and see these men striving to become better, and encouraging each other along the way. I’m very grateful to get to be apart of it. – Chapo