Bearable But Barely

Event Date

Sep 01, 2018


20 IC Mtn Climbers
20 IC Windmills
20 IC Tony Hawks
Boo Boo Bear Crawl:
Similar to bear crawl, but with either leg held off the ground all the time so the back leg has to basically hop forward.  Boo boo bear crawl up the parking lot and mosey back (then, repeat).
Bear Crawl Ring of Fire:
Begin by bear crawling around in circle until Q says stop. Upon stopping, first pax completes 10 merkins while other pax plank, then next pax in line completes 10 merkins while other pax plank. Keep going around until all pax have completed the 10 merkins.
Bearmuda Triangle:
3 markers in the shape of a triangle.  Pax performs one burpee at first marker and bear crawls to 2nd marker, 2 burpees and bear crawl to 3rd marker, 3 burpees and bear crawl back to 1st marker (then, repeat).
Bearway to Heaven:
A Bear Crawl suicide of seven increasing lengths with decreasing burpees at the end of each length.
Indian Run:
From the AO to the pool parking lot, then return.  The last Pax in line drops for 3 merkins before running to the front.
Pain Stations:
20 step-ups is the counter, Australian pull ups, skull crushers, calf raise on the ladder, then pull-ups (repeat)
WWI Sit Ups
Flutter Kicks
Philippians 3:20-21
But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.
This set of bear crawl exercises were drawn from the F3 exercise database.  This workout was similar to my Q a few weeks ago.  Several pax missed it, so I decided to redeliver it with some variation.  I hope all enjoyed it !