Bears and Salmon…uh…Crabs

Warmorama: Run, SSH, TS, IST

Run to salmon spawn point

  • American
  • One Arm Plank
  • Wide American
  • Plank – around the world count

Main Event: Bear and Salmon, uh I mean Crabs

Salmon crab-walk a 10 yard distance as fast as they can.  2nd team of bears start a 10 yard distance further to finishline. Salmon can be tagged (eaten) by Bears and thus finishing their chances to finish (spawn).  Let the craziness beginning, Bears bear-crawl to catch crab-walking Salmon before they hit the finish line.  Switch teams.

Run to the secret coal ash pond

  • Mason Twist
  • Suitcase
  • Low Flutter
  • L-sit hold, around-the-world count
  • American
  • One Arm Plank
  • Wide American
  • Plank, around-the-world count

Back to spawn point, with Bears versus Salmon.

Run to landing pad

  • Mason Twist
  • Suitcase
  • Low Flutter
  • L-sit hold, around-the-world count
  • American
  • One Arm Plank, around-the-world count
  • Wide American
  • Plank, around-the-world count


  • Tai Chi with imaginary ball and horse mane… uh ok.
  • arm, leg, and neck stretch.


  • T-bone is not the same as tea bag.  too soon for jokes, Twister?
  • So Bears and Crabs was a community effort.  The brain works a plan but most of the details are half-baked at best.  It takes a village of twisted minds to be successful.  Great job!  That worked really well and I will file it into the workout roladex.
  • Twister is a bear-crawl crab-walking beast.
  • Stroking manes and pushing balls was not well received.  My tai chi teacher would be disappointed.
  • Around the world count again this time with the ab-blaster!  Pinky requested the one-arm plank #Strong.
  • If you hit a tree in the 'hood, be sure not to leave a bread-crumb trail of your leaking oil pan.
  • Roundup rounded up then rounded out!
  • Grip was impressed by a random act of kindness for someone to pay his meal.  The motivation was still unknown.  Grip will be sending out a signup sheet for his next dinners out…hahaha!