27 brave friends entered the hallowed slabs of concrete we like to call Mad Scientist this morning, here is their story:

0500 – Tweetsie, Turnpike, Etch, Labon, Olive & YHC went on a little ruck standards to warm up our fingers.

0530 – mosey down to the basement.

Warm o rama in its purest form

Partner up

Partner 1: Run all the way up and take stairs down and run until you find the partner 2

Partner 2: Bear Crawl up until relieved.

When you hit the top, go down the steps and start over with crab walks

When you hit the top you start over with broad jump burpees

If you make it through all that in 40 min, tclaps

now do partner carries to the top.

at 0610 we gathered to stretch a little and plug the New Recover workout at Birkdale Sbux..also abs because we do that.

Tweetsie, happy Bday!  #HIM

when rocket and olaf aren't partners bad things happen.  Like me crab walking for 15 min straight!!!!!

El Professor, always an honor to embrace the gloom with you.

PT, its not the same without you, see you tomorrow.

Commando, put something under those sweat pants

Uncle Rico, with a weigh vest??? respect!

Ramrod wants to shag with you friday night.  Bring the M…its at Tweetsie's church building.

Great crowd this AM for a WIB.  I like to vary up the Blue Indian sometimes and make it a little more mentally challenging.  The biggest thing to take from it is if you slow down running or in the exercises, you are hurting your partner.  I think we can take this into other areas of our life.  If we take our foot off the gas in our relationships it is only hurting those around us.  Life is a marathon, but sometimes, when your family, friends, coworkers or community needs you, you gotta sprint up that deck and get back to them.  You're strong enough! 

Great to see another day of growth in LKN with a new FNG.  Nice EHing Bouncy!  There are many more out there men, don't be afraid to share this gift, I am thankful to Black Eyed Pea for sharing it with me, because I was certainly praying for it.
