Beast Mode at The Mighty Oak

9 men answered the call of the preblast and went beast mode at Mighty Oak.


Mosey around back of school and circle up on blacktop

Windmill x 10 IC

Imperial Storm Trooper x 10 IC

Mountain Climber x 10 IC

SSH x 20 IC


Mosey down to traffic circle, AKA The Pain Clock

Starting at the top of the circle (12 O’Clock) bunny hop around to 3 O’Clock and do 3 burpees

Bunny hop to 6 O’clock and do 6 burpees

Bunny hop to 9 O’Clock and do 9 burpees

Bunny hop back to 12 O’Clock and do 12 burpees

Mosey back towards the school and find a spot on the gate

Australian pull-ups x 10 IC

Incline ‘merican x 10 IC

Mosey back around behind the school and get a cinder block

Walk with cinder block and line them up in the field beside the school (about 30 yds from base of hill)

Do 12 squat thrusters w/ cinder block and run across field to the top of the hill and do 20 ‘mericans

Run back to cinder blocks and do 10 squat thrusters then run back to top of hill and do 18 ‘mericans

REPEATO down to 2 squat thrusters and 10 ‘mericans

Return cinder blocks

Mosey to parking lot in front of school for 4 corners

Corner 1:  Alternating lunges x 10 IC then sprint to Corner 2

Corner 2:  Jump squats x 10 single count then sprint to corner 3

Corner 3:  8-count bodybuilders x 10 IC then sprint to Corner 4

Corner 4:  Shoulder touch ‘mericans x 10 IC

Mosey over to planter boxes

Dips x 10 IC

Wall toe-touch x 15 IC

Decline ‘merican x 10 IC

Box jumps x 10 OYO


Run lap around school


Dying Cockroach x 10 IC

Freddy Mercury x 10 IC

J-lo x 10 IC

Pickle Pounder x 10 IC

Low Flutter x 10 IC

Low Dolly x 10 IC


  1. It was a little less humid this morning but we all were still soaked by the end.

  2. The gates to the parking lot were locked but that didn’t deter us from doing what we had to do.

  3. Overall there was very little mumblechatter.Except when I called repeato on the Pain Clock (but with double the amount of burpees).Everyone got all pissed off and grumpy.Then I told the PAX I was kidding and everyone was happy again.

  4. Thanks for letting me take the lead this AM, Ditka.Sorry you had to sweat it out in a hotel gym this morning.

  5. Congrats to Caboose on the birth of his yet-to-be-named third son.I look forward to his first post next month.

See y’all in the gloom,

Ty Webb