PAX not listed:Cooper – Goodell’s 2.0Soul GloSledgehammerQuick disclaimer, we warmed up, we worked out and then everyone that has never Q’d before led the PAX in one Mary exercise each.
Aug 04, 2018
Apehangers, Banana Peel, BB King, Big Mean, BroCode, Chicken Little, Chief, Contra, Crack, Cupcake, Deep End, Goodell, LadyBug, Lear, Loveshack, Nymph, Pink Slip, Rent-A-Cop, Straight Cash Homie, Totebag
PAX not listed:Cooper – Goodell’s 2.0Soul GloSledgehammerQuick disclaimer, we warmed up, we worked out and then everyone that has never Q’d before led the PAX in one Mary exercise each.