Beatdown for Cheech

16 HIM and 1 Dog.0 met on the battle field of ELHS Mustang all without sleeves to honor a fallen brother, YHC had the Q. A little background to begin…this weekend exactly one year ago was YHC’s VQ. The week prior local Fire Fighter, and family friend, Josh Warren was called home, leaving a family (M and a two 2.0s’), a brotherhood of Fire Fighters, and a stunned community. During the reflection YHC broke down, not one to ever show any emotion, something powerful took over, something had been felt. Fast forward one year, and YHC has his Qversary a few days following another passing…F3 Brother CHeeCH (Lexington, SC) also a community leader, a father to two and a loyal husband. I’ve never met CHeeCH, but it became clear, very quickly, of his powerful reaCH to his love of CHrist, Family, and his Brothers. MuCH CHatter over the week about safety, whiCH should never be laughed about or not considered. To pay respect to CHeeCH and everyone affected by this horrible incident, YHC dedicated this workout.

At 06:50 only YHC, Boone, DutCH, and Airball had arrived. By go time we had 12, during Warm 0 Rama SCHool Bus, flies into the AO in his “bus” along with 60% of his family add 3 more. Clark…well Clark decided to show 20 minutes after go time.

*Note –

  • CH is used throughout the workout, obviously for CHeeCH  
  • Sets of 6 (June)
  • Reps of 21 (day of passing)
  • “Peter” as in Peter Parkers – CHeeCH was currently teaCHing Peter to his PAX

Warm O Rama

First exercise – a moment of silence


21 IC Cotton Pickers

21 IC Jane Fondas (10 R leg, 11 L leg) SCHool Bus brought out the kilt, gave the PAX a show

21 CHinook Squats

21 CHilly Jacks plank jack on elbows

21 CHerkins Carolina Dry Dock with forehead touCHing ground (CHeesehead Merkin) by far PAX favorite

The Thang

Mosey around parking lot, plank at benCHes located at front of sCHool. Partner up and complete 10 OYO (eaCH) Cliff Hanger merkins

Mosey to practice field to preplaced cones.

CHarles Bronson – three cones with first two placed 100 yards apart, next 10 yards apart, then a Clubber added movement. At start do 21 of called out exercise, sprint the 100yd, Army crawl 10yd, do 5 CHin ups, mosey back to start, and plank for 6.

  • 21 SSH
  • 21 Squats
  • PLANK TIME – Q noticed only 1 PAX was in plank for 6. The entire group held plank for 1:30, and we discussed the importance of working together as a team (more to come in a few minutes)
  • 21 Merkins crowd pleaser after plank
  • 21 LBC
  • 21 CHillcut PETER Parkers
  • 21 Burpees

Mosey to loading dock and partner up. Between the two PAX, complete 50 squats and 50 jump-ups on dock.

Mosey to BENCHES at bus lot, compete 21 IC dips

Mosey to BENCHES at flag pole, plank for six

Mosey to LP for Mary


Mary go round – SCHool Bus, Bertha, Airball, Closer, Moneyball/Closer


We discussed starting posts with a prayer like F3Lexington, SC. This morning we started with a moment of silence.

YHC pulled a part of the bb from CHeeCH’s last run, to show the potential power of prayer:

 “…CHeeCH made a funny comment that I wish I could remember. He always had a witty comment. The route was simple and I pointed North and told the Pax we were doing an out and back to Crusade. We were all familiar with the route so no details were needed. We circled up for a short prayer. If I had only known what was in store that prayer would have been longer. If I had only known I would have put my heart into that prayer. If I had only known that prater would not have been so empty and shallow. No one knew except God”. ~Mac (Eric Bopp F3 Lexington)

Consider the above the next time you are posting. You don’t have to be the Q to call for a prayer. I have wondered about effort before when some Q’s speed through, say a few words, and start the fist bumps…you never know what may be next.

PETER 1 4:10 – EaCH of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

The Plank – What motivation do we provide one another if our behavior is to stand around, laugh, CHatter, goof off when the 6 is still out there. Why push if there is nothing to push for? To run 100yds after giving 100% about to splash, soaking wet, covered in grass and a party is going on with only 1 PAX down in plank for the six. F3 is a team, together we become stronger. Iron Sharpens Iron, place Iron on its own, and nothing happens…my point as with all my Qs’ over the last year is to promote leadership, never have I ran a post without incorporating teamwork. The plank 1.5min and CHat wasn’t to upset anyone I responsibility with We accountability. I do this because I care for and love eaCH one of you, I had zero fellowship prior to F3 or Faith, I need eaCH of you in my life.

YHC will often ask the War Daddy to pray us out; however, this am I was called to 2.0 and HIM Soldier. I've never posted and heard a 2.0 pray out, today was the day. TClaps my brother, you did great!

Mumble CHatter

  • SCHool Bus – The bus, literally, rolling in. Oh and the kilts…TClaps
  • Clark – Gracious 20 min late 2nd shift had arrived. TClaps for calling yourself out after claiming the fartsack due to no sleep, and still posting. Strong!
  • Lots of favorites today
  • A mutiny about launCHed, two or three times I think
  • What else?

Pleasure to lead the PAX today!
