Beatdown to Improve Morale

Event Date

May 11, 2016

Pax + Clubber – who knew there was a workout in his backyard at 5:30 AM ?


Warmup – Parking Lot Indian Run counter clockwise stopping at tennis court

The Thang

  1. 15 Dips IC = 30

  2. 30 Step-ups left

  3. 30 step-ups right

  4. 15 Pickle pounders IC = 30

  5. 15 squats IC = 30

  6. 15 ISW

  7. 15 Mtn climbers IC

  8. 15 SSH IC = 30

  9. 15 Decline Merkins IC = 30

    Full length of tennis courts (4 wide) each lap and mosey back

1. Butt kickers

2. Dragon crawl / half

3. Backwards run

4. High Knees

5. Bear crawl / half

6. Lunge walk

7. Shuffle right

8. Shuffle left

9. Crawl Bear / half

Return back to first set of exercises

  1. 15 Dips IC = 30

  2. 15 Step-ups left

  3. 15 Step-ups right

  4. 15 Pickle pounders IC

  5. 15 squats IC = 30

  6. 15 ISW

  7. 15 Mtn climbers IC

  8. 15 SSH IC = 30

  9. 15 Decline Merkins IC = 30

    Full length of tennis courts (4 wide) each lap and mosey back

1. Butt kickers

2. Dragon crawl / half

3. Backwards run

4. High Knees

Not a 100% certain this is where we stopped … Q is gassed as is the PAX.  

Time for a pass the ball Mary. When you get the tennis ball call the exercise and cadence

10 LBCs IC

10 Box Cutters IC

10 Reverse Crunches IC

10 Freddie Mercury IC

10 Peter Parkers IC

10 WW1s IC

Parking Lot lap back to the flag and COT


Hebrews  10 23 –25

23 Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. 24 Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. 25 And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.


– There will be no warm up today – let’s do this

– Shake my head Closer – if you were there, ‘nuff said

– Mutiny threatened and lots of this sucks comments so must have been a good one

– Q gets blasted in the ear with tennis ball

– Clark questioning what someone did to my cornflakes that affected my mood 🙂