Beautiful Morning for a Workout

Event Date

Feb 12, 2019


3 PAX showed up for some beautiful weather even though it was sprinkling. 



15 IC Storm Troopers

10 IC Cotton Pickers 

20 IC Monkey Humpers

The Thang

Mosey back to the playground 

Max pull-ups

10 IC Dips

Max pull-ups

10 IC Dips

Mosey to the end of the circle to the right of the top of the LBH and back to the top of the LBH.

1 PAX member stays at the top and does hand release Merkins

2 PAX goes to the bottom of the LBH and 1 stays and does Burpees. The other PAX runs to the top of the LBH and relieves the PAX that was doing hand release Merkins. The member that was relieved goes to the bottom and relieves the PAX member that was doing the Burpees. When there is 200 HR Merkins completed between all tha PAX we are complete. 

Metrodog had to leave to do fatherly duties.

The remaining 2 Mosied to the circle to the right of the LBH again and back to the playgound afterward. 

Max pull-ups 

10 IC Dips

Max pull-ups

10 IC Dips

Mosey to the launch pad



10 IC Each leg Jane Fondas

15 IC IN and Outs/ Crunch Fries

20 IC Each leg Fire Hydrants

10 IC Each side Oblique Crunches


Psalm 37:5 NLT

Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. 

Commit everything you do (work, parenting, hobbies, worries, poblems, marriage, and everything else that makes up who you are) and give it to God and he will make it to the best it can be. Trust in Him. 


I am not sure if MetroDog was feeling 100% this morning, but I am glad he came out. 

As always Strudel gave his all and pushed me.

The great push to invite everyone to worship, learn, and fellowship with each other at a local church. Please let me know if you would like to visit Real Life church and I would be overlly excited to sit and worship with you. In fact if you would like to attend at any local church and would like someone to go with you just let me know 704-929-1666. Great idea Ziploc. 

Thank you for letting me lead today and making me better.
