Because Mutiny on the Bounty’s What We’re All About

Because mutiny on the bounty’s what we’re all about
I’m gonna board your ship and turn it on out
No soft sucker with a parrot on his shoulder
‘Cause I’m bad gettin’ bolder, cold getting colder
Terrorizing suckers on the seven seas
And if you’ve got beef, you’ll get capped in the knees
We got sixteen men on a dead man’s chest
And I shot those suckers and I’ll shoot the rest
Most illingest be-boy – I got that feeling
‘Cause I am most ill and I’m rhymin’ and stealin’

ILLINGEST BE-BOYS (I got that feeling)
How appropiate that we begin Week of the Pirate at Berean where 15 (one shy of the Beastie Boys’ lyrics) pilfered a workout from Emmaus and then were joined by 2 more to discuss how the 8th commandment (7th for us Catholics) applies to us in more ways than just theft of material goods.
YHC pulled into a parking space right at 0445 where 13 other men were quick to complain that we were not starting on time. I tried to gather them all in a circle to get started with some SSH and then they complained that I wasn’t waiting for Olive who was coming in hot. Apparently you can’t please guys no matter what you do when it’s not even 5 AM.
We managed to eek out a few reps of SSH and do a little lunge walking down the sidewalk while the stragglers fell into line. I discussed with the six how lunge walking was bad for the knees while we lunged. I suppose that’s not a good way to motivate others, but they followed me the rest of the morning nonetheless.
The lifted Emmaus workout was actually one I had done a few months back which involved a Dora partner set at the church parking lot on the corner of Sam Furr and Catawba. There were a few groans as we set off on the 3/4 mile trek up Sam Furr but it was all for good reason — Dingo didn’t want negative feedback for F3 due to Titan and Jazzhands mumblechatter around the residential area.
Dora involved partners doing a combined 50 hand-release burpees, 100 merkins, and 150 low squats (hands touch ground at bottom) while the other partner ran about 1/8 mile around the roundabout and back. The goal was quality over quantity which seemed to be upheld throughout.
As some teams were wrapping up, the leaders did a little planking and stretching. Jazzhands tried to keep that up while I was giving instructions to find a parking lot line for the next set of exercises which forced YHC to offer him a “cup of tea” while squatting by his head. Needless to say, everyone else proceeded to find a parking line.
We all hopped down the line and back. We plank walked down the line and back. Then we did burpees (thanks to 98 Degrees’ virgin Q at General on Friday). After that was complete, we each found some curb for Muhammad Alis at varying pace. Many of the pax, who were not expecting so much effort from a salty, old pirate, seemed a bit winded at this point so YHC inserted some stretching to allow Jazzhands time to grunt and coo. 
A quick job around the parking lot brought us to a flowery fountain where we again partnered up. Partner A did AMRAP dips on the wall while Partner B knocked out 15 incline merkins on the curb. Flapjack and repeato so that the guys had a reason to grumble again about not getting back to coffee on time.
From there it was a run downhill back to the starting point. The directions were for the leaders to do MARY until the six rolled in. YHC got back somewhere in the middle of the mix to see the pax standing around. SMH. Everyone on your six for some low flutter and LBCs until the six arrived. Some grumbled that we had passed the 0530 end time, but no one was a total #refusenik and all got in a little MARY. Endex occurred somewhere around 0533 which probably made up for the late start. I care about you getting your money’s worth and a full 45-minute workout.
DILLINGEST BE-BOYS (I got that feeling)
The verse referenced in Scripture was short — Exodus 20:15
Thou shalt not steal.
But we spent every bit of the #3rdF time discussing its implications in the modern day. First we went around the table offering some of the non-traditional ways in which one might break this commandment. Suggestions from the pax included:
  • time from your employer
  • someone’s identity
  • a child’s innocence
  • wasting God-given time/talent 
  • helping another to steal
  • borrowing without returning
  • not giving credit when using another’s ideas

We spent a few minutes discussing the “Robin Hood” principle and whether it should be considered stealing when authority requires the rich to give to the poor. Stray added some excellent input on this topic. We wrapped up our time discussing restitution and whether asking forgiveness from the Lord was “enough” or if some action was also required on our part. We wrapped up the morning with a quick prayer asking for guidance in this regard and help to avoid stealing in any form.

CHILLINGEST BE-BOYS (I got that feeling)

  • I wasn’t sure what to expect when I arrived this morning. Seeing 15 guys at 0445 was humbling. If the rest of the week has these levels, I may not have patches left to hand out come Saturday (I will withhold a dozen or so for those who are putting in the effort to attend 5 workouts).
  • Speaking of patches, 8 were handed out so far with over $75 collected! Olive and I both appreciate the generous giving from men who are going above and beyond the minimum requirement to grab a patch. The children are benefitting from all of our #HIMS
  • Kudos to Hefty for coming across the river to join us Huntersville hooligans. I look forward to his attendance at a few more WOTP workouts and invite him to bring some of the other Denverites. Denveronians? Denverees? Let’s just go with Dennys. /wink
  • Dingo was sure to love the numbers this morning. Hopefully a few of you opt to include Berean more than once a year. Getting all 3 Fs before 0615 is fantastic and worth more that just WOTP.
  • If you experienced FOMO today, no worries. You have 5 more days to be a part of this exciting event. Join YHC at Viking tomorrow. Or Mighty Oak, Wilderness, Cauldron and Mighty Jungle as the week goes on. Patches (while they last) are $5 (minimum) in person. Looking forward to seeing YOU soon.