Bedrock is Back!

What a difference a couple weeks makes! After two sad-clown Saturdays in a row at Bedrock, YHC thrilled to see the PAX back in full force! 11 PAX joined YHC and covered 2+ miles throughout Bailey Road Park. After warm-a-rama on the soccer field, PAX performed 5 sets of separators on the tennis courts to get the heart pumping where Omega nearly lapped everyone.

There was plenty of mumble chatter throughout which was a welcome sound this morning, including plenty of Q harassment, also adding to the fun! We hit the rock pile heading up K2 for curls, rows, presses, and skull crushers. Things got a little chaotic on the playground as YHC’s instructions to the PAX to perform pull ups and air squats were a little rusty to accommodate a group this size.

We headed to the track, where the PAX passed Moses as he was training with his niece Gummi Bear, an accomplished 400 and 800 HS track star visiting from Florida. We did a couple of rounds climbing the stairs, before landing on the wall at Bailey Middle School for People’s Chair, Air Squats, and Touch Them Heels. The traditional Dog Agility in the school parking lot was performed before heading back to our starting point, and ending with MARY.

Great having our regulars back at Bedrock and some unexpected PAX who joined us as well. Welcome back Airstream who has been away for several weeks visiting France following by a hiking expedition in CO!

Continue to pray for Smores (Dave Camp) who has been battling with a serious life threatening condition

Prayers offered for Moby Dick’s friend facing a kidney disease

Lift up Omega’s hometown of Rome, NY which just got hit with a tornado.

JB encouraged everyone to read BlackBeard’s backblast from Cauldron on Friday, a heart-felt message about what F3 has meant to him during a difficult and dark time during his back injury.

Thank you Moses for always providing us with a heart-felt and reflective prayer!

Honored and grateful to be with each of you at Bedrock on Saturday!

Humbly in Christ,