Been a While

Event Date

Jul 21, 2018

13 on Q for Mustang
No new faces.
FNG1 is Ozark
FNG2 is Kaczynski
Warm up:
-Right over left
-Left over right
-Arm circles
-25 side straddle hops IC
-10 cotton pickers
-20 imperial storm troopers IC
Mosey to Clubber’s house for a wake up call
20 monkey humpers
10 pickle pounders 
10 merkins
Mosey to the elementary school
20 derkins OYO
20 dips OYO
20 inverted merkin OYO
20 step ups OYO
Mosey to the back of the elementary school
Partner A: monkey humpers 
Partner B: 2 Laps around the track 
Partner A: max LBCs
Partner B: 1 Lap around the track
Partner A: max squats
Partner B: 1 Lap around the track
Partner A: V-ups
Partner B: 1 Lap around the track
Partner A: pickle pounders
Partner B: 1 Lap around the track 
Mosey back to the rock pile
Grab a lifting rock and go the front of the gym
20 squats on the curb with rockOYO
20 Squat curls on the curb with rock OYO
20 skull crushers on the curb with your rock OYO
20 Vertical presses on the curb with you rock OYO
20 curls on the curb with your rock
20 lateral presses on the curb with your rocks
20 partner curb sit-ups.
No Mary already did it
Proud of our man Spork for his recent decision to process his faith and being baptized.
Sporks testimony
On April 4th, I accepted JESUS CHRIST into my life. For those that know me know the struggle I had with believing. Today I will publicly announce my faith to God and the world as I get baptized. I wake up everyday and see a new man in the mirror as he transforms me into his servant. The feeling that I have when I talk to him everyday brings tears every time. These are the tears that Jairus felt when Jesus brought his daughter back to life. I'm glad he put life in me again and I can't thank him enough. For those of you who feel like you have lost faith, please call on his name. If you don't get him the first time you call on him, keep calling I promise he'll answer.
"And Peter said to them, 'Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.'" Acts 2:38-39
-My dad is home from about 16 days in the hospital but still trying to get some answers.
-C# returning safe from his mission trip. 
Prayer request:
-Sporks aunt has cancer. She is up and still doing things on her own but hospice coming in. 
-Pray for Stitches family member’s baby. Pray that baby Jennings continues to make
-Please continue to pray for my father as we are still seeking answers.
13 on Q
Air ball