Been a while since I Ramp’d it Up

16 warriors emerged from the gloom on this, the 51st anniversary of the birth of MQ – Gnarly Goat.  Seemed to me that there were 3 that did the standard – Amen, Frontier and Mayhem.  Sound off if I missed you.


A little mosey to the lot next to the theater.  Some apple pickers and karaoke along the way.  Circle up for the disclaimer.  Once the PAX expressed their astonishment after learning that I was not a professional – we were set to begin the rest of the workout.  

First things first – a 51-SSH – salute for Ganrly Goat.  The rest of the warm up included all of your favorites – cotton pickers, IST, arm circles, mountain climbers, stretchy stretch, Peter Parkers


The parking deck ramps were a fairly regular part of Hollywood until Blackbeard (allegedly) broke some unwritten rules and the ramps became off limits.  While the ramps have been creeping back into the workout without incident, it's been a while since I was at a Hollywood post where we ramped.  (That's a real thing – ramp, ramped, ramping, he/she/it ramped).

Partner Up

Partner one run up the ramp and down the steps – partner two perform AMRAP exercises.

Each partners performs 2 sets each of the following: Mericans, Squats, LBCs

A little mobility moment mid workout out – work the pigeon

Head to the ramp near the Kilted Buffalo – for Ramp Part Deux 

No partners – all PAX run up the ramp – perform jump squats, then head down the steps

Round 1 – 5 Jump Squats, Round 2 – 10 JS, Round 3 – 15 JS

Mr. Holland was out front leading the charge and started a little mary while we gathered and waited on the 6.

[The mary'break was interrupted as a large garbage rig started throwing dumpsters around near us.]

Mosey to the Chipotle and grab a cinder block

An Iron PAX sneak peak taken from Week Three of the Iron PAX challenge.

Burpee/Block Jumps – perform a burpee, jump over the block.  That's 1 rep.  Perform 10 reps OYO.

It would be silly to put the blocks away after one exercise – so we did Block Curls x 15IC

Now put the blocks away.  Not silly.

Indian Run back to the launch fountain.

Grab a spot on the fountain or a bench.:

10 One legged Squats each leg OYO, 20 Dips OYO

Repeato (10, 10, 20), Repeato (5, 5, 10)


Pretzel Crunch, Low Flutters, Homer to Marge



– Always an honor and privelege to lead you fine men.  I hope you got what you came for.

– Happy Birthday to the Gnarly One.  Proud to call you friend, and glad I've gotten to spend the last several trips around the sun with you.

– Teams are forming for the Hood to Coast Hilton Head Relay – Feb 1, 2020.  F3LKN has many teams – there's likely one that you would fit in with perfectly.  Check it out.


