Beernado at Night Ranger (Shark Week – Day 3 of 5)

FNG-1 = Speedo, also in attendance was spectator / heckler Jenny

Where do I begin?  Sometimes in life guys talk a big game… "I'm gonna do this" or "we should do that"… just guys talking.  But I feel like F3 is one of those places where we back it up.  "Stop talking about running up that hill, let's go do it!"

And Night Ranger has always had a social aspect to it.  In pre-COVID times we would always go to a bar or brewery for a beer after the workout.  In the new COVID world that has evolved into guys brining a cooler with a few cold ones, and we hang out in the parking deck for a bit.

Well, a bit of a joke organically formed lately… "what if we did a workout WITH beer".  And I noted that my 5-year anniversary was in August.  And Pit Stop and Crocs seem to think I invented Sharknado (I did not, I simply was simply the first Q to introduce them to it).  So the idea eventually evolved… Sharknado, beer, August heat… BEERNADO.  A terrible plot had been hatched.

It became like a living meme at Night Ranger, this mythical stupid workout idea.  But then I thought, "Stop talking about running up that hill, let's go do it!"  So we did it.  And OH BOY was it stupid.

7:00 launch, 5 minute disclaimer/intro, 55 minute Sharknado.  For those not familiar, Sharknado is:

  • 15 burpees, RUN A LAP
  • 20 diamond merkins, RUN A LAP
  • 20 WWII sit-ups, RUN A LAP
  • 20 merkins, RUN A LAP
  • 20 scorpion dry-docks RUN A LAP

Modifications for Beernado:

  • The lap starts in the parking deck third level, down the ramps, around the green, up the stairs.  This extends Sharknado from the traditional ~.16 mile lap to probably ~.25?  Most guys saw 3+ miles.
  • Shot-Standard (optional, 10 of 17 takers).  Blind pick from an ABC store box… behind door #1: Fireball, door #2: Jager, behind door #3: Jim Beam
  • Goal is to finish one beer over the course of the workout.  Bud, Miller Lite, PBR were available.
  • Blind beer: instead of lite beers noted above, take a challenge beer.  Group 1: just mixing it up, wheat beers, blonds, light stuff.  Group 2: stronger IPA's, enjoy those hop burps.  Group 3: challenge beers; full pint cans, stuff like Coco Loco and Jalapeno Ale (ouch!).  Group 4: not beers, for example Pit Stop took one of these and had to drink a can of Pinot Noir, Carpet Bagger drew the 14 Hands Unicorn Pink Rose Bubbly… yes, I was cruel at times.

And there was a little point system, each lap was one point… and you could get a few extra points depending on how much of the stupidness above you opted to do.  And wow was it stupid.  Also worth mentioning; it's AUGUST.  The weather was not kind.

For future reference, taking a shot of Jager and then trying to do 55 minute Sharknado, with extended laps, in 80 degree heat and 100% humidity… while drinking a beer… not something I recommend.  I felt terrible and was absolutely dripping by the time I finished the first burpee set.  And there were 50 minutes to go.

Ok, so putting the stupidness above aside… we had fun.  No merlot.  5 minute disclaimer was very clear; stay within your comfort zone, do what you need to do for a good workout and stay safe.  Pizza was provided afterwards for recovery purposes, and fun.  This was a rare opportunity to try an F3-style beer mile type event.  We took an idea, "Stop talking about running up that hill, let's go do it!" and we did it.  No regrets.  Looking forward to not doing it again.  At least not soon.  I'm glad everyone seemed to enjoy it.  This was the fun-focused workout for Sharkweek (5 years, 5 Q's for my anniversary)… and mission accomplished.

Thank you all for the friendships, the support, the PUSH… all these years.  Let's NOT do this again…

PS:  KUDOS to the WINNER of Beernado (most points): FROGGER.  Pitstop gets honorable mention as he may have had more points, but did not count correctly.

