Bees, Roaches and a Skunk

Event Date

Jul 21, 2021


Weird Wednesday with a 21 twist

4 string including Rock Lobster, Aggie and Slinger – who may have the new nickname "Stinger" after getting stung by the bee the first time on his 6

warm up – lap around the green, IW, Windmills, Toy Soldiers, Stumpy Jumpy's, Merkins, supermans – and a tribute to Stump Jumper's nose with a 30 second hold in the down Merkin position (nose just off the ground)!!

The Thang – 3 Rounds in front of the library (away from the bees) – Alternating step ups, dips and low reach crunch

mosey to front of CVS – 21 WW1 sit-ups OYO listening to see if any crunching noises resulted from random roaches

mosey to Summit parking lot – but watch out fir Mr. Skunk moving around the Summit Airstream! –  for 3 rounds of suicides – 21 Merkins, 21 Squats and 21 LNCs between each round

mosey to The Hill – backwards run half way up and forward to the top – 21 Merkins OYO 

mosey to DUMC grab pavers – wave to pain lab – in cadence 20 Curls, Presses (run to dumpster and back) 20 Skull Crushers, Rows – repeat with 10 in Cadence

21 Merkins OYO and a little Freddie Mercury back at the Green – Recover, Recover