Bel-Air now knows where Viking is

Event Date

Oct 03, 2023


YHC had been on the IR for several weeks with a groin injury and felt it was time to give it a go this morning. 4 Pax joined me and we set off around the parking lot. Just after are normal Warmorama Bel-air joined us after realizing Gladiator was converging with Fallout.

Mosey to the pinic tables for:
Incline Merkins, Dips, Step ups, Squats, Decline Merkins

Mosey to the rock pile for:
Curls, Bent over row, Skullcrusher, Overhead Press

Pair up at the bottom of the hill for Dora. Partner runs up the hill while performing the following:
100 Bent over row
200 Goblet Squat
300 Curls

Mosey back to upper concession stand for:
Peoples chair, air press, touch them heals, praying mantis, calf raises

Mosey back to start for Mary.

Recover recover

It was great to be back out today and finally sweat again. FNG=Nugent and Edsel are now Viking regulars and killing it. Waffle House impressively posted after a past midnight bedtime. Cobra continues to crush workouts while training for his Spartan race. Very happy Bel-air found us. He is on day 3 of his water fast and continues to post 5 days a week, impressive and inspiring man. Appreciate the comradery this morning, you do not realize how important it is until you are on IR for a month. Prayers for Edsel’s friend Connie who has breast cancer and Edsel’s co-worker who recently lost his mother.

Please bring gently used books to any AO until 10/15. See Smokey for more details.