Belated 6-year F3versary with fuzzy math

Event Date

Feb 22, 2020

Seven of LKN’s finest started their cold Saturday morning strong. There are always great options in F3LKN AO’s on Saturday morning, but only one was available to celebrate YHC’s belated six year F3versary. YHC’s very first post was at Might Jungle launch in February 2014, so it’s always great to return to where it all started.  


  • Mosey lap around parking lot with High Knees and Butt Kickers
  • SSH x 20 IC; Toy Soldiers x 10 IC; Cotton Picker x 10 IC; Imperial Storm Troopers x 15 IC; Mountain Climbers x 20 IC


  • Keeping the math simple and fitting a 6 year anniversary theme YHC planned six pain stations and six exercises at each station with an awful lotta running between stations.
  • Station #1: Mosey to pull-up bars: 1 cycle Murph: 10 pull-ups, Merkins x 10 IC, 15 Squats x IC; Add 10 Incline Merkins x IC, 10 shoulder dips x IC, Decline Merkins x 10 IC.
  • Mosey from pull-up bars that included side-straddle steps to back corner of parking lot
  • Station #2: Shoulders smoked from Station #1, switch to core and legs– Low Country Boil x 15 IC; Low Flutter x 15 IC; Jump Squat x 15 OyO; Crunchy Frog x 15 IC; Rosalita x 15 IC; 30 second elbow plank
  • Mosey to stairs at back of church facing Stumptown Road
  • Station #3:  Cycle #1: Bunny hop up the stairs + 5 burpees at top; Cycle #2: Bear Crawl up the stairs + 10 diamond Merkins OyO at top; Cycle #3: Partner-up for wheelbarrow up the stairs + 15 Monkey Humpers x IC. Flip-flop and repeato wheelbarrow and Monkey Humpers. This is where YHC was accused of fuzzy math and reminded the Pax there would be six exercises per station and with no disclaimer regarding repeatos.
  • Run to Stumptown Road traffic circle
  • Station 4: Pain clock 2-4-6-8-10-12
  • Starting at 12 O’clock run one full lap and then proceed to 2 hours forward
  • 2 o’clock: CDDs x 10 IC / 4 o’clock: 10 burpees OyO / 6 o’clock: 10 Merkins x IC / 8 o’clock:  10 Scorpion Dry Docks per leg / 10 o’clock: 10 burpees OyO / 12 o’clock: 10 Plank Jacks x IC
  • Run/Mosey to Copperhead Hill  Stations #5
    • Quadaphilia to top of hill 20 WWII sit-ups OyO then run to bottom of hill
    • Partner calf raises x 10 each leg
    • Quadraphilia to top of hill 20 LBCs x IC then run to bottom of hill
    • Low Dolly x 20 IC
    • Quadraphilia to top of hill 10 Merkins x IC then run to bottom of hill
    • Cacky-Lacky Choo-Choo x 3 times through
  • Run/Mosey to St. Mark School wall
  • Station #6
  • People’s chair with 20 air presses x IC; BTTW; Decline Peter Parkers x 10 IC; Curb kickers x 20 IC; Glute Bridge x 10 IC; Plank Jacks x 10 IC

Mosey back to COT for MARY

  • Mason Twist x 15 IC, W’s x 15 IC, Jo-Lo’s x 15 IC,
  • Recover-Recover



  • Rocket has extra credit for 2ish mile solo standard.  His complaints about additional running were ignored.
  • YHC’s Garmin had 3 miles, so that qualifies as “Running with Pain Stations” workout. Conspicuous by their absence: Master Q Emeritus Blackbeard who has yet to officially reach his quota of running work-outs for 2020; and YHC’s BRR teammates Landline and Hippie who both “liked” the PB on Twitter and then failed to show. Likes <> HCs….more fuzzy math.
  • Rodeo’s 2.0 Stark may have been the only smart one among us as he stayed in a warm car for part of the beatdown on a very cold morning.
  • Continued prayers for Olive, Amen’s family and the LaPrell family.
  • Thanks to Toxic for the privilege of leading at this great AO and letting YHC have the keys for a beatdown. Keep supporting this great AO by volunteering to Q. If not, you might be voluntold.


