Believe It or Not, 7 Years Later and I’m Still Alive

FNG-1 – Wham-o, FNG-2 – Rogue, FNG-3 – Slinger, FNG-4 – Elitist, FNG-5 – Beans, Big Papi, and 3 guys I can't remember

FNG-4 was a true FNG his name is something Levitus (sp) Big Papi heard Fetus and that's what YHC tried to name him but a couple of the Davidson pax vetoed it so as a stab at their elitist attitude we named the poor bastard Elitist.

FNG-5 was also an FNG, his last name is Frank thus Beans

30 guys showed for YHC's 7 year anniversary Q which given the weather yesterday morning was surprising and humbling. We warmed up with the usual exercises then Moses took half to the old LKN Christian School while I took the other half to DUMC. At 7:30 I sent my group to Moses and his group came to DUMC.

Here's what happened at DUMC

Deck of Pain

  • Hearts – Curls
  • Diamonds – Squats with a Paver
  • Spades – SSH's with a brick in each hand
  • Clubs – LBC's

If a 5 or lower was drawn we took a lap around the parking lot.

Here's Moses Backblast…

Thang: most exercises were to 7…when i remembered to stop…but the pax stopped at 7 even if i kept going. Go figure. They went Rogue. SWIDT? Anyways, the 7 was to honor Duval’s 7 year anniversary.

7s with pull-ups and Turkish get ups
With one group, we did a glute bridge overhead reach
Then we headed to the wall for various forms of The People’s Chair, merkins, & hip slaps
Loaded the Ark on the parking lot…since YHC was basically the overflow parking…
* 50% run (to load the humans)
* 75% run (to load the domestic animals)
* 100% run to load the cheetah and other fast creatures
* Bears, Ducks, Tippy-birds, & Komodo dragons.
Notice the reverse evolution order, in honor of Duval, as he devolves year-by-year

One group did a Jacob’s ladder with burpees up to 7 on the parking lot while the other group ran back to the green and mixed a burpee ladder with ab exercises.

Both groups heard my favorite Duval story/quote from Bourbon Chase 2019: “I could tell she was a runner. Well, when I walked up to her, she started running.”

Thanks to Duval for the honor of handling overflow pax, even though i wasn’t his first choice. And, more importantly, thanks to Duval for his years of leadership as demonstrated by commitment, integrity, and strength of character as he consistently leaves from the front. J/k. I mean he ‘leads’ from the front. Dang that auto correct.


I will be forever thankful to Mailman for EH'ing me into F3.

Over the past week I spent a lot of time thinking about what I was going to write for the Moleskin portion of my backblast. How much I've gained on so many levels from F3, the true friends I've made, the support I've received, etc. Then last night a group of us had gathered at Hop and Vine for a few beers and I realized that in addition to everything I mentioned we create some wonderful stories/memories together. We didn't talk about how far we had run, what place we finished, what we've accomplished, we talked about the funny shit that happened during those races, GoRuck events, mud runs (remember those?), and a every other CSAUP event.

So, as I look back on the past 7 years I'm thinking mostly of the memories and the stories that have been created because of all of you. You've let me laugh at you, with you, and most of all, keep me laughing at myself.

Here's to a least 7 more years of creating funny ass memories and stories together.

And, to steal a line from the COT Podcast, if no other man tells you this today…I love you guys.

