Bell brigade

Event Date

Jul 13, 2018

FNG-1 is Jeremy, FNG-2 is Prince. PAX wanted to first make sure there were no more "invisibe cones" like the last time YHC Q'd. Despite being Friday the 13th, there weren't. So we began.


Warmup: SSH, arm circles x20 fwd/retro, hug yourself, dynamic warmup cone to cone (soldiers, buttkicks, SKTC, carioca x2 ea)

Dippy birds R x15 OYO

Corkscrews L (low) to R (high) x15 IC

Dippy birds L x15 OYO

Corkscrews R (low) to L (high)

Burpee Bells x10


Side step squats facing street w. push out to cone

KB merkins L hand on KB x15 

Side step squata back (still facing street)

KB merkins R hand on KB x15 


"bell brigade" 

Lunge holds w KB lateral pass until bells done, switch legs and send them back.


Grab bell

Plank row x15 OYO, switch arms x15

Curls x20 IC (5 count lower)

Skull crushers x20 IC

KB swings x20 

Lateral bends x20, switch sides

3 Pulse squats w OH press x10


On your 6

Single arm pressups w ½ Turkish get up x15 ea arm

KB OH low flutter x30 count

Bridge walk outs x10 OYO

Side lying double leg lifts w. KB OH x15 on R

Side lying double leg lifts w. KB OH x15 on L

Plank dippers x15 IC

knees to chest w KB overhead to personal exhaustion (push yourself)



Psalm 90:10 Seventy years are given to us! Some even live to 80. But even the best years are filled w pain and trouble: soon they disappear, and we fly away.

Psalm 90:12 Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.



Your Legacy can be defined by default or design.

Default: repeating the same cycles as the generations before: workaholic father which leads to neglected wife/kids

Intention: choosing to break the cycles: being affectionate and humble w your kids even if your father didn’t model that towards you

 We all have the opportunity to decide the legacy we want to leave our family, company and community. We can break cycles or enhance the best traits of those before us. Thank about what you want the legacy to be (in 2, 5, 10 yrs) and be intentional in moving towards that starting today. 



FNG-1 Is Jeremy, he attends Pursuit church with his wife of 13yrs and 3 kids. He works as an insurance agent (PAX agreed name Flo but it was taken). He has been back and forth from Michigan but finally settled back here "for good" b/c it's just too cold up there. (My thoughts for name either Buckeye or Timeout, which are both available). He helps coach his son's baseball teams. Obviously pretty fit already as he seemed unfazed by the workout as the rest of us huffed and puffed…showoff. 





Not much chatter, lots of heavy breathing and questions if the "warmup" was supposed to cause this. The counts were just beyond comfort level leading to a good workout for most. 


Young buck Prince continues to push us old guys. 


Some new exercises added today, should feel some new places of soreness tomorrow. Scope's love handles have turned into love handlebars.


YHC after a rough night of stomach issues was nervous about the SSH and had a scary personal backblast but was fine after that.