Bell Buster

Event Date

Mar 16, 2018

0529—YHC rolls up with the OG SchoolBell and Shovel Flag (it’s been a while Old Glory)

0530—PAX joins in Pledge of Allegiance


Mustang has had a recent growth spurt so YHC took his moment in the sun to explain a bit about F3 today.

Shovel Flag—Provides the faithful point in the gloom to rally.

Warm Up

SSH x 15 (IC)

Dippy Bird x 10 (IC) both legs

Arm Circles—small forward x 15 (IC)…keep those arms up…small backward x 15 (IC)…keep em up…Seal Clap x 10 (IC)…keep em up…big backward x 10 (IC)…keep em up…big forward x 10 (IC)…keep em up…recover.  Definitely a PAX favorite

Love Yourself

Get in Plank position

The 5 Core Principles of F3 were reviewed

Explain that there are 54 QPoints-four distinct quadrants were explained

PAX low planked during the reading of Q1

Back to plank then right arm up during Q2

Left arm up during Q3

Back to plank during Q4



Mosey with Bell to open Parking Area

—Bell Centipede…with bell, follow parking lines shuffle forward, shuffle right, quadraphelia, shuffle right, shuffle right, shuffle forward, and continue.  Once we get the blood flowing, FREEZE, then follow Scope back to where we started.  With bell, quadraphelia, shuffle left, shuffle forward, shuffle left…

The Thang

The PAX made their way to the grass below the steps and were instructed to line bells in ascending order of weight while the Q retrieved none other than THE School Bell.  The PAX passed with flying colors in this time hack.

In an effort not to have to take the majority of the PAX to the dentist, it was suggested to spread the bells out a bit further.

Here’s what we did.  Kettle bells, bracket style.  Each exercise in each round was performed IC.  Then shift to the next bell.  Round winners were determined by the grumbling of the PAX if you get the drift.

Sweet 16—IC x 16

Elite 8—IC x 8 “mostly”


American Swing



American Swing


Bell Sit Up











Goblet Squat



Goblet Squat







Alternate Swings



















Alternate Lunges






Around the World




Around the World






Skull Crusher





Calf Raises




Calf Raises









One Arm Prone Press






One Arm Prone Press




Allen Iverson








Standing Press





Standing Press










American Hammer




Block Burpee


Block Burpee




Time’s running short so everyone grabs a bell and holds above head for the Reflection.



Yours truly has been thinking about legacy a lot recently.  Listening to the stories of the late Billy Graham and the amount of people his life touched, and then one’s those have touched and on and on.  That in addition to attending multiple Scouting leadership events in the past few weeks has YHC asking what his legacy will be?

What are you doing to impact those around you…today, tomorrow, down the road?  Being heavily involved in coaching and Scouting, I’m not sure that I’d be the confident leader I am today without F3 (and a push from my brother Zippy).  What better place to hone your confidence/skills that the Q spot at an F3 event?

The new PAX and others were asked to challenge themselves to grab a Q sooner than later and start now.

Psalm 145:4

One Generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.


Mumble Chatter

·         Waking up for SchoolBellz is one of YHC’s favorite things to do.  Even better when arriving to a full parking lot.

·         Was one of the “fresher weinkes” as the AO2AO planning committee meeting ran late into the prior evening.  Tclaps to Sonar, Spork, C#, and Zippy for making it this AM.  Twas not as easy feat.

·         Allen Iversons were somehow scratched and thus did not move on.  Must have been one of those schools where class attendance is not required.

  • Tweet was incorrect…13 were in attendance.

·         Happy to have a premier LKN runner in the midst.  Thanks for joining us Turncoat.  I can see why you’re such an effective runner with how you handled the bell. (There are those due north of us that can take a page from your training handbook)

·         DIESEL WAS THERE!!!  After many, many, many EH’s we finally get him to join all the fun SchoolBellz has to offer.  He already has the KB front and center in the garage.  Who knew all it took was a grilled cheese?!?

·         Miranda twice this week rocks the workout gloveless.  Kettelbells will drain any remaining warmth out of you quickly.  #MindOverMatter

·         Glad to have WireNutz out for his sophomore post.  He’s already getting stronger.

·         SchoolBellz is ALWAYS Ruck Friendly.  Scope, C#, and Zippy took full advantage.

·         Gilligan, Scope, and Mater killing it out there.  With their recent EH’ing we may need more pavement soon.

·         Someone brought the SEXY back!

·         Thanks to Crawdad for the “free” PT session.  How I do?

·         There is also some fantastic news from one of our PAX members that I cannot express enough joy about.  Will leave it up to him to share, but I hope he knows how much we love and support him as he more than returns the favor.

·         Keep those not with us in your prayers.


Unbelievably grateful to be able to lead AND be led by this group.

