Bells and Blocks

Event Date

Mar 29, 2023

Anticipating a possible Crabby Patty and/or Dirt sighting at The Meatlocker, YHC designed a workout that would be perfect for them as they nurse a injured knee.  0530 and no Crabby or Dirt but we begin…..


Great-Grandma Maters 10 IC (name changed because FNG-1 was Mater’s 2.0 Turtle)

Imperial Storm Troopers 10 IC

Toy Soldiers 10 IC

Grabbed the bell from the truck and did Kettle Bell Indian Run – PAX at back drops to ground for 5 pushups, runs to the front of the line to grab bell.


Bell and Block Dora

PAX with bell is the timer, PAX with the blocks AMRAP each exercise, rotate when bell PAX completes rep

Round 1

  • Bell – Bell Swings 10 rep each – total 100 for group
  • Block 1 – Bent over Rows
  • Block 2 – Dead lifts

Round 2

  • Bell – Curls 20 rep each – total 200 for group
  • Block 1 – Skull Crushers
  • Block 2 – upright rows

Round 3

  • Bell – Bell around the world 15 rep each – total 300 for group
  • Block 1 – Shoulder press
  • Block 2 – Chest press

Round 4 – This was added for Balance and since Crabby and Dirt didn’t show

  • Bell – lunges 10 rep each leg – total 100 for group
  • Step-ups
  • Block 1 – block squats


Blocks up and Kettle bell Indian Run back to Launch


20 LBCs IC



For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many. Matthew 20:28



Turtle has now posted to more Meatlocker workouts than most of the Denver PAX

Mater enjoyed the upper body workout after pitching 140 pitches to his team this week

During the 45 minute workout, a neighbor of the church managed to mow his lawn and cut some lumber. 

Turtle “rocked” this workout even with the swimming injury she has

Mater complimented YHC on how hard I have worked over the last 3 years.  

We missed those that Fartsacked and worked elsewhere.


Thank you Mater for the compliment! You have been there with me for most of it and I always appreciate the push. Great to have Turtle join us. It was a pleasure to lead!  God Bless!
