Bells and Tires

Event Date

Jan 07, 2020


YHC was all alone for the standard so I decided to be the best Q I could be and go get the tires ready to go for the beatdown. After that I ran around the parking lot for a little over a mile.


As the PAX arrived (3 of which bringing dogs) we prepared our bells and began


  • Mosey around parking lot w/out bells. High knees, butt kickers, carioca.
  • Pick up bells and move to end of parking lot
  • Circle up
    • All of these IC
      • SSH x 20
      • IST x 15
      • Toy Soldier x 10
      • Carrot Puller x 15
      • Windmill x 10

The Thang: (Inspired by DonHo's workout last week)

  • All w/ bells
    • 5 Burpees
    • 10 Shoulder Press
    • 15 Curl
    • 20 Squats
    • Run to end of parking lot and back
  • Grab bell and move to next intersection and repeato until you get to the other side of parking lot
    • Total of 4 sets
  • Mosey down to the tires that the PAX were surprised to see ready to go
    • Bunyan told us a tale of how he and his hunting pals came across a "hibernating" bear, and we learned that when bears hibernate they don't go into a deep sleep they just become very lethargic 
  • Split into 2 groups (4 and 3)
    • 1 PAX flips tire to end of fenceline while other PAX does workout
      • Zamperini
      • Kettle Bell Swings
      • Squat Thrust
      • Mericans
    • Return tires to their home and do 10 pull ups OYO
  • Mosey back to launch and circle up for Mary
    • LBC x 20 IC
    • Low Dolly x 15 IC
    • Low Flutter x 15 IC
    • Pretzel Crunch x 10 IC each leg
    • Jane Fonda x 10 IC each leg
    • Around the circle of Mary (I believe these are all correct)
      • Mountain Climber
      • Superman
      • Forgot the name but you go from a high plank to low plank on a 4 count
      • Carolina Dry Dock
      • Hand Release Mericans
      • 10 Burpees
      • Pigeon

Recover Recover




  • Congrats to Flo for taking over as MQ of The Blender!
  • Bunyan has the Q next week and it is said to be a good one
  • Calendar has openings after that so sign up! (And sign up for Bailey Road Park while you're at it!)
  • We were graced with the precense of the new 1st F Q Cherrybomb
  • Great work by all PAX this morning, most were sore from DonHo's Q at The Sword yesterday but they all crushed it.
  • Thank you for bringing your dogs to the workout, always brings some joy to the pain
  • Thank you Flo for the opportunity to lead

Unitl next time,

Mr. Holland
