Bells by the Fire

Event Date

Dec 22, 2022


37° and misting at 0500, so YHC lit a cozy fire and placed 3 kettle bells and a medicine ball under the shelter. Also whipped out my big, long, thick, black… rope so it could get some fresh air before the fellas got their hands on it. 

YHC felt like Ultraman and ‘Hoff would show as they liked the PB tweet the night before, but Bob Ross also showed ready to hit it no matter the conditions. 

YHC started with an obvious disclaimer then a parking lot mosey as there was hardly a mist in the air.

we moseyed up to the top where we stopped for some warm-o-rama followed by “10 pull-ups” but when we approached the muddy waters beneath the bars YHC’s OCD kicked in and we audibled. More warm-o-rama back down the hill before ducking under the awning for some mobile Frankensteins. By then the pax could hear and smell the raging fire – no, not because they’d seen my big, long, thick, black… rope is whipped out, but because YHC had posted a truthful PB about staying dry and warm. 

we gathered round the KBs and ball then the rest of the PB would hold tru – the co-Q. Everyone would co-Q!

The pax took turns calling exercises with and without bells. Some with balls, some without. 
between some rounds YHC would call for suicides under the awning. 

Aside from sweat, we stayed dry and mostly warm. 

All but B-Ross went to Coffeteria for Toby talks where numerous other pax had gathered, but few had posted.