Bells Duet

Event Date

Jul 07, 2023


FNG-1 is Dr J.

Warm Up


calf raises, WM, Arm Rotation, Squats, plank, Down Dog, Up Dog.

Main Event

Series of Curls; 0-90, 90-up, full, press, Skull Crushers.

Stair Way to Eleven; plank up stairs adding +1 merkin each step.

Route 66; around parking lot, 11 stations Burpees, step ups or dips, CH squats, merkins.  Navigate between stations; shuffle, bear crawl, quad, karaoke, high news, lunge walk.


pretzel crunch, LBC

Good to be back after a great trip to France with family.  Dr J described the incredible work he and his company are supporting in Nepal!  It is making a difference!  Dr J prayed us out.