Bells for Three

Event Date

Jul 15, 2022

Three may not be a crowd but lots of motivation.  Good to have Travolta back at Bells.

Warm Up

IC x 10-15

SSH, Cotton Pickers, Toy Soldier, storm trooper, arm circles


Beat Down

Mosey short lap with merkins 5-20 at 4 stations.  Back to pad

IC x 15 Low curls, high curls, skull crushers,squat press, upright row, American swings, lunge walk to 2nd line

Dead lift, goblet squats, sumo lift, Walmart, swings, KB merkins, SUs, twist, plank pass through, chest press, kb bear crawl and reverse.  
Each pax picked a card and lead; baby crunch, WW 2 SU, side squats, bear crawl, backward run, high knees, plank jack, diamond merkins


Low Dolly, pretzel crunch

Reflection: 1 Peter 3:15 and pray out.