Bells for Two

Event Date

Feb 10, 2023

Warm Up

Moved AO to gym overhang due to rain which never came.

SSH, CH sq, TS, WM, Tie Fighter 

Main Event

Ribbons high, waist and ankles.

IC x 10 reps; 1/2 curls to level, level to up,  sq press,


Upright rows,


summo lifts,

single arm clean/press,

wall sit; w/ milk jugs level, 45 degrees and vertical,

OYO 20 American swings.  

On Six: BBSU with press,

OH extend.  

Plank position; 10 kb merks each side, 30 second plank hand on kb and leg extended.  To bottom of parking lot, modified Welsh Dragon, plank position drag kb x 4 then series of 1 merk, 1plank Jack, 1 shoulder tap.  Repeat drag and one added rep each time until reach 10.  
Lunge walk around flag pole.  

Tripple Nickle: bottom of lot do 5 merks, run to top and 5 dips, run to bottom for 5 merks.  Repeat 5 times.

Reflection: John 13:34 “A new command I give you: Love one another as I have loved you, so you must love one another.”

sound off and pray out .